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Using Overview of commands in "KA9Q-Radio"


This document represents an effort on
my part to understand the operation of "ka9q-radio" and is not intended to be authoritative.

As such, this is a work in progress and will certainly contain many "blank spots" and errors.  What it is intended to do is to help the new user along and start to get the "feel" of how the pieces go together.

Please read EVERY document in the /docs directory of the "ka9q-radio" git - and refer back when you see something you don't understand!

For more information about ka9q-radio, go here:

Using KA9Q-Radio - link

This page has much more information about the internal workings of ka9q-radio and other examples of its use.

IMPORTANT - Back up your .conf files!

As of the time of this writing (June, 2023) the default configuration files WILL BE OVERWRITTEN every time you do an update/make of ka9q-radio.  Both the files in the home "~/ka9q-radio" and "/etc/radio" directories can be overwritten.

What this means is that if you modify the original configuration files (e.g "/etc/radio/rx888d.conf", "/etc/radio/radiod@hf.conf" - and those in the "ka9q-radio directory) you will LOSE those modifications when you do an update.

When you make changes to ANY configuration file, be sure to save a copy elsewhere, and be prepared to restore it after you do updates.

It is on the list of future updates to change this behavior.

Programs and utilities included with "ka9q-radio"

ka9q-radio includes a suite of programs/services that are used to to all of the work and what follows below are general descriptions of what they do and how to use them.

This document is a work in progress.  Some of what is described below is deprecated, some of it is in the early stages of what might be envisioned and in many cases and could stand further development, and for some of these auxiliary programs their use, purpose and/or implementation is not (yet) understood by the author - particularly the descriptions that include "Source code says..." or contain the words "To Do".

KA9Q-Radio and hardware support

There are programs that interface directly with SDR receiver hardware (e.g. airspyd, funcubed, rtlsdrd, rx888d, sdrplayd) and produce the multicast streams (a PCM stream for A/D data, a metadata stream for status and control) used by the main processing program "radiod" to produce the virtual receivers.  As of this writing, only those programs for hardware that the I have on hand (RTL-SDR, RX888d Mk2, SDRPlay RSP1a) have been explained in detail both on this page and in separate pages dedicated to that hardware.  The other hardware mentioned (Airspy, Funcube, etc.) is not explained in detail for the simple reason that I do not own those devices.

While there are many other types of SDR Hardware out there in the world, only those above are directly supported as of the time of this writing.  If you are capable of writing code that will interface with a particular piece of hardware and produce the necessary multicast data, you are welcome to do so (within the included open source permissions) and the code to support the devices mentioned above is freely available to inspect and build upon in the "ka9q-radio" git - link.


airsply [-v] [-f config_file]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -f:  Config file.  (Default:  "/etc/radio/airspyd.conf")
    • If you are testing various configurations of airspyd and you are not running it as a service, it is recommended that you copy the original "airspyd.conf", rename it to something else (e.g. "airspyd_test.conf" and invoke that test file with the command line parameter of "-f airspyd_test.conf".
This reads from the Airspy SDR, sending status and accepting control commands via its UDP socket - can be run as a service.  Example needed.

The default configuration for airspyd may be found in the file airspyd.conf  - but note that the working version of this file will be found in /etc/radio  - so if you make any changes, you'll need to do so there, likely requiring sudo to edit it.  Also note that at the current time, if you reinstall/update ka9q from the .git, the configuration files in ~/ka9q-radio and /etc/radio will be overwritten.

See "airspy.conf" for configuration example.

Parameters used in the ".conf" file with "airspyd":
  • serial - Serial number of the Airspy device (default = null)
  • samprate - Sample rate
  • lna-agc - This enables/disables the AGC on the RF front end.  (default = 0)
  • mixer-agc - This enables/disables the AGC associated with the mixer.  (default = 0)
  • lna-gain -  This adjusts the RF front end gain (default = -1)
  • mixer-gain - This sets the gain at the mixer (default = -1)
  • vga-gain - This sets the gain of the variable-gain amplifier (default = -1)
  • gainstep - (default = -1)
  • bias - This enables/disables the bias voltage on the antenna connector (default = 0 for off)
  • linearity - This sets the gain mode for linearity (default = 0 for off)
  • agc-high-threshold - This sets the AGC high-level threshold (default = -10.0 dB)
  • agc-low-threshold - This sets the AGC low-level threshold (default = -40.0 dB)
  • frequency - The center frequency of the tuner in Hz (default = 0)
  • name - The name of the device.  If unspecified, it constructed using the serial number.
  • data-ttl - The data (RTP) multicast time-to-live (default = 0)
  • status -ttl - The metatdata multicast time-to-live (default = 1)
  • blocksize - The block size used for processing  (default = -1)
  • descriptionThis is a text description of the receiver - used in metadata.  This often describes the receiver, its purpose and/or antenna.  (default = null)
  • ssrc - The ssrc of the RTP data.  (default selected automatically)
  • tos - Type of IP service (default = 48  AF12<<2)
  • data - The hostname of the RTP multicast stream
  • status - The hostname of the metadata multicast stream
  • iface - The default interface used for multicast data - typically "lo" (loopback) or "etho0".  (default = null)
Note:  A default value of "-1" typically refers to a required parameter.

Usage:     aprs [-L latitude] [-M longitude] [-A altitude] [-s sourcecall] [-v] [-I mcast_address]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -L:  The latitude in dd.dd format.  Use positive for NORTH latitude and negative for SOUTH latitude (e.g. 32.860400, -38.35346)
  • -M:  The longtidude in dd.dd format.  Use positive for EAST longitude and negative for WEST longitude (e.g. 1.5323, -117.188900)
  • -A:  The altitude in meters (e.g. 0.000000)
  • -s:  The source callsign (Default:  null)
  • -R:  Destination IP address (Default:
  • -I:  Muilticast address with in the form of:  <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:s> with "s" being the ssrc of the source stream.  (Default: ax25.local:5004)
Source code says "Process AX.25 frames containing APRS data, extract lat/long/apltitude, compute az/el" - see "aprs.conf" for configuration - can be run as a service.

To do:  Example showing usage

Usage:     aprsfeed -u user [-p passcode] [-v] [-I mcast_address][-h host]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -u:  User
  • -p:  Passcode
  • -h:  Host  (Default:
  • -I:  Multicast address (Default:  ax25.mcast.local)
Source code says "Process AX.25 frames containing APRS data, feed to APRS2 network"" - see "aprs.conf" for configuration - can be run as a service.

To do:  Example showing usage 

This program allows a virtual receiver to be controlled, created or disabled under "radiod".  When in the program, press "h" to show the commands and "x" to hide them - and then "q" again to exit the program.  

Usage:    control -s <ssrc> <multicast> <-v>

The parameters and their defaults are:

  • Where "-v" enables verbose mode.
  • Where "multicast" is the name of the status (also control) stream defined in the "global" portion of the radiod .conf file:  In the example given on the rx888d page using "radiod@hf.conf" this would be "hf.local"
  • Where "ssrc" (Stream Source identifier) represents the "sub channel" within the pcm multicast stream related to the status/control stream.  This could represent an existing receiver, or a previously-unused SSRC may be specified to create a new, virtual receiver - see below.
The "ssrc" is typically defined from the frequency and "multicast" is either the numerical address - or, if you have installed Avahi, you can use the name defined in the "data" statement (e.g. "wspr-pcm.local", "wwv-pcm.local", etc.)

Example:  control -s  5000  
hf.local - This will control the 5 MHz WWV receive channel defined in "radiod@hf.conf".
  • Unless explicitly defined, the ssrc will consists of the digits used to define the frequency - with the NON NUMBERS removed.
  • In "radiod@hf.conf" we see that the 5 MHz WWV receiver's frequency is defined as "5000k" meaning 5000 kHz - so the SSRC is "5000"
  • Alternatively, 5 MHz could have been defined as "5000000", or "5M" in which case the SSRC would have been "5000000" or "5" respectively.
  • Trailing zeroes are NOT trucated.  Be careful, though:  If you defined 5 MHz as "5M000" you would have "5000" as the SSRC - the same as if you had done "5000k"!
  • Similarly, a frequency defined as "12m345670" would result in an ssrc of "12345670" - again, simply by removing everything from the string but the numbers.  Specifying as "12m34567" would result in the same frequency, but the ssrc would be "1234567", instead.

Creating a "new" virtual receiver:

If one specifies an SSRC that does not already exist, a new receiver can be created and configured using the commands described below.  When you pick a new SSRC, be sure to use a numbering convention that is not likely to conflict with existing SSRCs defined in the .conf file.

If you wish to disable a receiver, tune its frequency to "0" and exit.

Using "control":

The control program can tune, create or disable a virtual receiver.  In the example above, if we had specified "1234" as the SSRC - and we knew that this wasn't defined as a receiver within our configuration file (radiod@hf.conf) we could summon a receiver into existence.

When started you will see a text-based control screen that shows the current receiver configurations and status and pressing "h" will show the list of available commands.


  • The system "locale" setting will determine how the interactive display of this program is rendered - see the file "/docs/" for more details.  For example, from the command line "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" is known to work and is likely the default for systems set up for use in the U.S.
  • Virtual receivers running under "radiod" can only be tuned within the constraints of the hardware.  For example, in the case of "radiod@hf.conf" using the RX8888 - where our sample rate is 64.8 MHz - we can reasonably expect to be able to tune to no more than half that frequency (e.g. it essentially covers 0-30 MHz - all of HF).  Because we are using direct sampling - that is, inhaling the entire HF spectrum, we can tune anywhere in the range that our sample rate (and any antenna path filtering) allows.
  • If we used receiver hardware such as the RTL-SDR - which is a not direct-sampling receiver - our tuning range is constained.  If we have our RTL-SDR local oscillator tuned to 100 MHz and are operating with a sample rate of 2 MHz we can tune only over a 2 MHz span centered at 100 MHz - that is, 99-101 MHz.  To tune outside that range would require retuning the receiver's local oscillator - and if there are other receivers defined that require the local oscillator tuned to 100 MHz, moving it may place the received signal outside the 2 MHz range defined by our sample rate

Overview of main display screen:

Using the 5 MHz WWV example with "radiod@hf.conf" and the RX888 for our example, in the upper half of the screen on the left side we see:
  • Carrier - This is where the receiver is tuned - 5 MHz in this case
  • First LO - Using the RX-888, this shows zero since we are using direct sampling (e.g. inhaling the entire HF spectrum).  If we were using a receiver like an RTL-SDR or an SDRPlay that contains a frequency converter, we would see the center frequency of that converter here.
  • IF - This is zero since our use of a direct sampling receiver doesn't need an IF.  SDRs with a frequency converter might use an IF.
  • Filter low and Filter high - This defines the band-pass filter of our virtual receiver.  In our example, this is +/- 5000 Hz (5 kHz) for a total bandwidth of 5 kHz.
  • Shift - If used, this will show the "shift" value defined in the .conf file for our receiver's mode as defined in "modes.conf".  As an example, the "cw" modes use this shift parameter.
  • FE filter low and FE filter high - These appear to represent the usable passband of the acquisition device - More information needed
In the left-center column we see:
  • Envelope - Since we are using AM, we are using an envelope detector:  See "modes.conf" for the definition of the "AM" mode.  It is underlined, therefore enabled.
  • Linear+Env - This is likely supposed to say "Linear+Envelope" (Text trucated by the display)  All modes aside from those like FM are "linear" in that they represent the amplitude of the signal in some way on the output audio stream.
  • Linear - An indication that we are configured for a "linear" mode (see above)
  • I/Q - Likely a status indicator showing if we are using I/Q (2-channel) rather than demodulated single channel audio - and we are using the latter.
  • PLL Off - The PLL (Phase Locked Loop) can be used to recover a carrier (e.g. "Synchronous AM" - which is available in ka9q-radio) - but since we are using normal enevlope detection, it is turned off (e.g. the underline).
  • PLL On - See above.  (Not enabled in our example)
  • AGC Off - AGC (Automatic Gain Control) is that feature which keeps the received audio level constant despite the RF signal varying.
  • AGC On - This is underlined, showing that the AGC is on.
In the right-center column we see:
  • G5RV RX888 - This shows the receiver configuration name ("G5RV" in this case) and the receiver type ("RX888") currently in use as defined in the .conf files.
  • A Gain - Not known at this time.
  • A/D  - This shows the total input power applied to the A/D converter relative to full-scale "dbFS".  A reading of "0" would likely indicate overload.  Under normal conditions, a reading of -10 or lower assures that brief overload events (e.g. noise peaks, lightning crashes, simultaneous signal peaks) are unlikely to happen:  Overloads can never be completely be avoided and if they are a very small proportion of the total, they are unlikely to cause degradation of received signals - particularly if their bandwidth is a tiny portion of the A/D sample rate.
  • In Gain - Not known at this time
  • Input - Not known at this time, but it appears to be very close to that displayed under "A/D" and is likely related to scaling/filtering/decimation?
  • Baseband - After it has been filtered, this is the power within the baseband - in our case, the 10 kHz wide receiver tuned to WWV.
  • NO - This is the noise density in dB/Hz in the receive path.
  • S/NO - This is the ratio of the signal to noise density (I think)
  • NBW - Likely related to the noise bandwidth - More details needed
  • SNR - This is the instantaneous signal/noise ratio of the demodulated signal. (Need details on how this is derived)
  • Gain - Not sure, but this may be the current AGC gain for the virtual receiver.
  • Output - This is effectly the audio output level of the virtual receiver: It should be confortably below 0 dBFS (full-scale)
  • Headroom - This is the "headroom" setting within the mode definition in "modes.conf"
In the far-right colum:
  • Threshold - This is the AGC threshold, defined in modes.conf
  • Recovery rate - This is the AGC recovery rate, defined in modes.conf
  • Hang time - This is the AGC "hang" time, defined in modes.conf
In the lower half of the screen under "Front end status" in the left column we see:
  • Fs in - The current sample rate in samples/second
  • FS out  - The output sample rate of our virtual receiver
  • Block time - Raw samples from the receiver are processed in discrete, overlapping blocks.  In the example, 20 milliseconds is used meaning that new data is processed 50 times/second
  • FFT in - This shows the input block size.  Since our sample rate in the example is 64800000 samples/second and we process them 50 times/second, each block is therefore 16200000 samples.
  • FFT out - This is the output block size.  Since out ourput sample rate is 12000, each output block at 50 blocks/second is 300 samples.
  • Overlap - This is shown in percent, so 20% of our "new" data is actually old data on our FFT blocks.
  • Freq bin - This is shown in Hz, and our example shows 40 Hz FFT bin size.
  • Kaiser beta - This is related to the windowing function used in the FFT.
  • Drops - The number of dropped samples
In the center column we see:
  • Time and date
  • Information about our server
  • The current multicast control address/port
  • stat pkts - The status packets from our receiver
  • ctl pkts - The packets used to control our receiver
  • pkts - The running total of packets from the receiver hardware
  • samples - The running total of samples from the receiver hardware
  • drops - The number of known-dropped packets from the receiver hardware
  • dupes - The number of known duplicated packets from the receiver hardware
In the left column we see:
  • Information about our virtual receiver server/stream:  It could be a different server than that to which the receive hardware is connected
  • stat pkts - Number of packets conveying virtual receiver status
  • ctl pkts - Number of packets used to control our virtual receiver
  • The multicast address of the pcm strem of our virtual receiver
  • ssrc - The SSRC of our virtual receiver (5000 in our example, above)
  • pkts - The number of packets used to convey our demodulated audio
Pressing the "h" or "?" key will toggle a screen that shows the various controls available:
  • l - (lower-case "L") - Lock/unlock tuner
  • Tab/PgDn - Move cursor down
  • Shift+Tab/PgUp - Move cursor up
  • HOME - Move cursor to top
  • END - Move cursor to bottom
  • Left arrow/BKSP - Move cursor left
  • Right arrow - Move cursor right
  • Up arrow - Increase parameter under cursor by 1
  • Down arrow - Decrease parameter under cursor by 1
  • CTL-L - (Control-L) - Redraw screen
  • f - Set frequency:  Use value in Hz, or include modifiers as decimal place, as in:  5000000, 5m0 5000k
  • g - Set gain in dB
  • A - Set AGC attack rate in dB/sec
  • R - Set AGC recovery rate in dB/sec
  • T - Set AGC hang time in sec
  • H - Set headroom in dB
  • L - Set AGC threshold in dB
  • P - Set PLL bandwidth in Hz
  • k - Set Kaiser window beta parameter
  • m - Set demod mode
  • o - Set/clear option flag (What is this?)
  • r - Set refresh rate in seconds
  • s - Set squelch, dB
  • q - quit

Usage:    cwd [-v] [-I fifo_name] [-s ssrc] -R mcast_group [-S speed_wpm] [-P pitch_hz] [-L level16]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -I:  FIFO name (Default:  "/run/cw/input")
  • -s:  ssrc of on multicast address
  • -R:  Receive multicast address
  • -S:  Speed in words-per-minute (WPM) (Default:  18.0 WPM)
  • -P:  Pitch in Hz (Default:  500.0 Hz)
  • -L:  CW Level in dB (Default:  -29.0 dB)
This is a CW decoder - it may be run as a service, see "cwd.service".

To Do:  Show example of how to use CW decoder.

Usage:    ft8-decoded [-L locale] [-v] [-k] [-d recording_dir] -t [cycle_time] -c [decode_command] -l [transmission_length] PCM_multicast_address

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -k:  Keep .wav file after cycle (this can fill up your drive very quickly unless managed!)
  • -t:  Cycle time in seconds.  Examples:  15 for FT-8, 120 for WSPR
  • -c:  Decode command.  (Default:  "decode_ft8 %s")
  • -d:  Specify directory into which subdirectories of recordings will be placed.
  • -L:  System locale
  • PCM_multicast_address:  This is the multicast group address of the receiver/frequencies defined in the relevant radio.conf file.

This will decode FT8 transmissions on the defined streams - Can be run as a service.

Requires "decode_ft8" to work - possibly that from: - but in testing, I can't get it to execute, so I'm clearly missing something

To Do:  Determine if command-line usage is possible, configuration to allow operation as a service.

Usage:     funcubed [-v] [-f config_file] [-N name] [-L]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -f:   Config file (Default:  "funcubed.conf")
  • -N:  Name
This reads from the Funcube dongle SDR, accepting control commands from the UPD socket.  The default configuration is in "funcubed.conf" - Can be run as a service.  Example needed.

Parameters used in the ".conf" file with "funcubed":
  • device - This is a number that specifies the device, typically the serial number (default = 0)
  • iface - The default interface used for multicast data - typically "lo" (loopback) or "etho0".  (default = null)
  • data-ttl - The data (RTP) multicast time-to-live (default = 0)
  • status -ttl - The metatdata multicast time-to-live (default = 1)
  • status - The hostname of the metadata multicast stream (default = null)
  • hold-open - This is a true/false value - not sure what it does (default = true)
  • tos - Type of IP service (default = 48  AF12<<2)
  • ssrc - The ssrc of the RTP data.  (default = 0)
  • blocksize - The block size used for processing  (automatically determined)
  • descriptionThis is a text description of the receiver - used in metadata.  This often describes the receiver, its purpose and/or antenna.  (default = null)
  • data - The hostname of the RTP multicast stream (default = null)
  • calibration - Set frequency calibration
  • bias - This enables/disables the bias voltage on the antenna connector (default = 0 for off)
Note:  A default value of "-1" or "null" typically refers to a required parameter.

See the file "funcubed.conf" for examples.

Usage:    iqplay [-v] [-A iface] [-D output] [-R status] [-S ssrc] [-p TOS] [-T ttl] [-b blocksize] [-f frequency] <filename>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -A:  Default interface (e.g. Eth0)
  • -D:  Output multicast address
  • -R:  Status  (Default:  Uses time for "gps_time_sec()")
  • -S:  ssrc of produced multicast stream
  • -p:  IP Type of Service
  • -T:  Multicast Time-To-Live
  • -b:  Block size
  • -f:  Frequency, in Hz - used to indicate the frequency when "STDIN" is used, or if there's no tag on the file

Source code says:  "Read from IQ recording, multicast in (hopefully) real time"

To Do:  Figure out how to use it and for what it might be useful.

Source code says "Reads and records complex I/Q stream or PCM baseband audio" - "NOT CURRENTLY USABLE - needs to read status stream to get sample rate, etc."

Usage:    iqrecord multicast_addr -S status_addr [-r samp_rate] [-d duration_sec] [-D dir_name] [-l locale] [-d duration] [-q] [-v]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -q:  Quiet mode (Suppress display)  (Default off - Do not suppress display)
  • -r:  Sample Rate
  • -d:  Duration, in seconds
  • -D:  Directory name
  • -l:  Locale
  • -S:  Status address

This may be used to display the current status of the receiver, using the control/status multicast stream.

Usage:    metadump [-v] multicast address

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • multicast address:  Multicast address of the status/control stream, not the data stream.


    metadump rx888-status.local - This shows the current status of the RX-888 receiver, sending it to STDOUT.

Sample output text:

Fri 16 Jun 2023 08:10:56.334738 rxtestsvr:36411 CMD : (1) cmd tag 5bf1bbe7
Fri 16 Jun 2023 08:10:56.334770 rxtestsvr:49475 STAT: (1) cmd tag 5bf1bbe7 (2) commands 162,127 (3) Fri 16 Jun 2023 08:10:56.334755 (4) G5RV RX888 (16) out data src rxtestsvr:37291 (17) out data dst (18) out SSRC 10 (19) out TTL 0 (10) in samprate 64,800,000 Hz (22) out data pkts 481,901,289 (21) out metadata pkts 162,128 (97) rf atten 0.0 dB (98) rf gain 10.0 dB (33) RF 0.000 Hz (48) demod 0 (linear) (20) out samprate 64,800,000 Hz (49) out channels 1 (32) direct conv 1 (39) filt low 0 Hz (40) filt high 3.0456e+07 Hz (82) output bits/sample 16

In the above example we have queried the output stream from an instance of rx888d and can divine the following information about it:

  • out data dst - The multicast PCM address is: and the SSRC of the raw PCM data (A/D samples) from the receiver is 10 emanating from port 5004.
  • out TTL 0 - The multicast TTL (Time To Live) is 0
  • in samprate 64,800,000 Hz - The sample rate is 64.8 Msps.
  • out data pkts 481,901,289 - At the time of this data there had been 481,901,289 PCM packets sent and 162,128 metadata packets sent.
  • out metadata pkts 162,128 - The current RF attenuation is 0 dB.
  • rf atten 0.0 dB - The current RF gain setting is 10 dB.
  • RF 0.000 Hz - The "center" frequency of the tuner is 0 Hz.
    • Note:  The RX-888 is a direct sampling receiver which means that it is inhaling everything from DC to the Nyquist limit (more or less).
    • Other common SDRs (RTL-SDR using the converter, AirSpy, SDRPlay, Funcube) use frequency converters to shift a chunk of spectrum to baseband.  The "RF" parameter when used with that type of hardware would show the center frequency to which that converter is tuned.
  • demod 0 (linear - The default "demod" mode is type 0 (linear)
  • out samprate 64,800,000 Hz - The output sample rate is 64.8 Msps:  This is the sample rate that will be presented to "radiod".
    • Note that some hardware/software combinations might do down-sampling within their driver (e.g. filtering and decimation.)
  • out channels 1 - This tells us that we have only one channel of A/D data.
    • As the RX-888 used in this example is a direct sampling receiver, it has only one analog-to-digital converter and it spits out only one stream of sample data.
    • Many other receiver types (SDRPlay, Funcube, Airspy) produce I/Q data and thus require two channels, albeit at half the sample rate to cover the same spectrum as a direct-sampling receiver (e.g. the same amount of data overall.)
  • direct conv 1 - This is another indication that our receiver (RX-888) is a direct conversion (direct sampling) device.
  • filt low 0 Hz and filt high 3.0456e+07 Hz - This tells us the low and high edges of the bandpass filtering in the output stream.
    • As the RX-888 is a direct-sampling receiver, its filter bounds are largerly hardware:  The bottom end of 0 Hz is, of course DC, but the high end is dictated largely by the Nyquist limit - 64.8 Msps in this case.  The frequency chown here - 30.456 MHz is about 94% of Nyquist indicating that filtering is occurring in software - which may or may not be superfluous when it comes to a direct-sampling receiver where aliasing is more likely to be the result of deficiencies in the hardware (pre analog-to-digital converter) low-pass filtering.
    • In the case of other types of SDR hardware (SDRPlay, Funcube, Airspy) where it is possible that the down-converting to a lower sample rate (decimation) will involve filtering and that filtering would be indicated by these parmeters.
  • output bits/sample 16 - The RX-888 has a 16 bit A/D converter as reflected in this parameter.


Source code says: "Simple I/Q AM modulator - will eventuall support other modes".

    modulate [-v] [-r sample_rate] [-f frequency] [-a amplitude] [-s sweep_rate] [-m modulation_type] [-W wisdom_file]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -r:  Sample rate in Hz  (Default:  192kHz)   The input and output rates are always the same.
  • -f:  Frequency in Hz of modulated carrier  (Default:  48 kHz)
  • -a:  Amplitude in dB relative to full scale (Default:  -20 dBFS)
  • -s:  Sweep rate, in Hz/second  (Default:  0 - disabled)
  • -m:  Modulation type  (Default:  "am" - This may be the only mode currently supported, but it looks as though the other modes are really there in the source code.)
    • Available modulation types:
      • "am" - full-carrier, +/- 5000 Hz BW
      • "usb" - suppressed-carrier, 0-3000 Hz BW
      • "lsb" - suppressed-carrier, -3000-0 Hz BW
      • "ame" - Upper-sideband AM, full carrier, 0-3000 Hz BW
      • "dsb" - Double-sideband, suppressed carrier, -5000-5000 Hz BW
  • -W:  Specify FFT "Wisdom" file other than default in /var/lib/kq9q-radio/wisdom - There may be a problem with this - see below.
This appears to use STDIO (pipe) for both input (modulation source) and output, both of which must be operating at the same sample rate.  Both the input and output data are two-channel audio.  It appears that the input audio's two channels are mixed together while the output data is two-channel I/Q data that could be directly applied to a modulator to produce RF.


sox test.wav -r 48000 -c 2 -b 16 -t wav - | modulate -v -r 48000 -a 0 -f 10000 -m usb | aplay -r 48000 -c 2 -f s16_le

In the above example:
  • We have a file called "test.wav" that is being played at a sample rate of 48 kHz ("-r 48000") and we use the "sox" utility to play it back using 16 bits per sample to STDOUT.  Two-channel mode ("-c 2") is used as it seems that that's what modulate wants.
  • The playback audio is piped to the modulate utility where we specify the same rate as the file ("-r 48000") with an amplitude of 0 dBFS ("-a 0") and specify upper-sideband ("-m usb") and a "carrier" frequency of 10 kHz ("-f 10000").
  • The output of this is then piped - also via STDOUT - to "aplay" where we again specify the sample rate (48 kHz), single-channel, and 16 bit data - specifically "s16_le" which is 16 bit "little-endian" - and output it to the default sound card.
    • Again we need to use 2-channel mode, but this is because the output is complex (I/Q).

The result of all of this is that at the sound card output we will get the contents of our .wav file modulated as USB at 10 kHz with a complex output.  This output could be directly applied to a pair of mixers driven by a local oscillator in quadrature to directly generate modulated RF.

Bugs/quirks as of this writing:

  • Versions prior to 9 June, 2023 had a problem in which the carrier in the AM modes ("am" and "ame" as of this writing) wasn't being generated properly.
  • As of the time of writing:  This program uses FFT functions and it currently does not re-use existing FFT "wisdom" data, producing it anew every time it is invoked.  Because of this there will be a delay of between 5 and 60 seconds (depending the CPU capacility of your computer - typically around 8-16 seconds for a modern PC with an i5 or i7) between invocation of modulate and when it actually starts producing output.


This program allows the (audio) monitoring of every channel defined for a data stream in radiod.

Usage:  monitor 
[-v] [-c channels] [-f config_file] [-g gain] [-p playout] [-q] [-r samprate] [-n] [-u update][-I mcast_address] [-R audiodev] [-S] [mcast_address ...]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v - Verbose mode:  Shows additional information (mostly related to configuration) on screen 
  • -a - Auto-sort by recent activity
  • -c <channels> - Number of audio channels (1 or 2) (default = 2)
  • -f <config_file> - This specifies a configuration file (default = null)  To-do: Figure out how to get it to read parameters from the config file without throwing errors.
  • -g <gain> - Default gain (default = 1 = 0dB)
  • -p <playout> - Initial playout delay in samples
  • -q - "Quiet" mode (no display)
  • -r <samprate> - Set output sample rate
  • -n - Enable notch.  The received subaudible tone will be automatically detected, displayed, and removed from the receive audio
  • -u <update_msec> - Screen update rate in milliseconds (default = 100 msec)
  • -I - Input multicast address of the PCM audio stream - see the comment below about multiple ways of specifying the input multicast address.
  • -R - Audio output device
  • -S - Auto-sort output by most recent activity
  • [mcast_address] - This is the multicast address of the PCM audio streamsee the comment below about multiple ways of specifying the input multicast address.
The parameters below may also specified in the command line in "--" format (e.g. "--input", "--gain", etc.).
  • input = <mcast_address>This is the multicast address of the PCM audio stream - can be more than one
  • list-audio - List audio devices
  • device <device> - Specify audio output device
  • autosort - Auto-sort output by most recent activity
  • channels <1|2> - Number of channels (1 or 2) (default = 2)
  • center - Set all channels to "center" (pan value of zero)
  • config - This specifies the input configuraiton file (this is probably not used in the config file itself!)
  • gain <gain> -  Default gain (default = 1 = 0dB)
  • playout <playout >-  Initial playout delay in samples
  • quiet - "Quiet" mode (no display)
  • samprate <sample rate> - Specify output sample rate
  • update <update_msec> - Screen update rate in milliseconds (default = 100 msec)
  • verbose - Verbose mode:  Shows additional information (mostly related to configuration on screen)
  • notchEnable notch.  The received subaudible tone will be automatically detected, displayed, and removed from the receive audio

There are presently two ways to specify the source multicast data - let's use a hypothetical multicast stream called "mcast1-pcm.local":

With the "-I" parameter as in:  monitor -I mcast1-pcm.local   and without the "-I" parameter as in   monitor mcast1-pcm.local

Additionally, multiple multicast addresses may be spedified as follows:

monitor -I mcast1-pcm.local -I mcast2-pcm.local -I mcast3-pcm.local


monitor mcast1-pcm.local mcast2-pcm.local mcast3-pcm.local

Either of the above will result in monitor monitoring those three multicst streams.

Example of minimum invocation:

monitor fmrpt_out-pcm.local

Let us presume that we have defined a radiod configuration file that defines an active receiver for every 2 meter repeater output frequency that uses the multicast address of "fmrpt_out-pcm.local".  This will cause monitor to play - to local speakers the audio of every active frequency using the multicast address of "fmrpt_out-pcm.local".  In the example above, these are all of the frequencies in the section beginning with [2m RPT output].

We know from the output to screen when "radiod" started and from the contents of "radiod@sdrplay.conf" from the [2m RPT output] section that the name of the stream is fmrpt_out-pcm.local  represent the multicast for the 2 meter receivers (plural!) and upon this invocation we will see a screen like this:

KA9Q Multicast Audio Monitor: fmrpt_out-pcm.local
                                                                 ------- Activity -------- Play
  dB Pan     SSRC  Tone Notch ID                                 Total   Current      Idle Queue
  +0   0   147120             K7JL Farnworth Peak (SLC)            899       899             121
  +0 -25   147260             AC7O Promontory Pk. (Ogden)          254       254      1:46     0
  +0  25   147180             K7JL Hidden Peak (Alta)              849       849        47     0
  +0 -38   146620             W7SP Farnsworth Peak (SLC)            91        91      2:08     0
  +0  13   147040             K7DAV Antelope Island (Farming         0         0     53:54     0
  +0 -13   147300             N7DAV (North Salt Lake)               22        22      3:18     0
  +0  38   146840             N7PCE Jordan Valley Hosp. (Wes        45        45      7:38     0
  +0 -44   146880             KD0J Salt Lake Comm. College (         3         3     44:10     0
  +0   6   145490             K7JL Promontory Point (Ogden)         15        15     29:57     0
  +0 -19   146980             W7EO Delle Peak (Tooele)              10        10      3:34     0
  +0  31   145390                                                   23        23             103
  +0 -31   145450             WB7TSQ Butterfield Peak (SLC)         11        11     25:58     0
  +0  19   146900             KE7EGG (Ogden)                        12        12   1:13:41     0
  +0  -6   146700             KC7IIB Ensign Peak (SLC)               5         5     22:24     0
  +0  44   145290             K7UB Brigham City                      0         0     22:27     0
  +0 -47   146760             W7SP Lake Mountain (Orem)             23        23      8:18     0
  +0   3   146780             K7UVA Lake Mountain (Orem)            22        22      1:37     0
  +0 -22   145370                                                    1         1      2:35     0
  +0  28   147340             K7UCS West Mountain (Payson)          19        19      1:28     0
  +0 -34   147220             K7UB Riverside (Tremonton)            32        32        58     0
  +0  16   147280             K7UCS Lake Mountain (Provo)           20        20      1:26     0
  +0  -9   145430             K7UB (ATK)                             7         7      1:03     0

The columns, in order:
  • dB - This is is the "volume control for the channel.  This will show -inf if the channel is muted.
  • pan - The being output is two channel and this determines from which  audio channel(s) the audio is coming:  Negative is left, positive is right.
  • tone - This is the frequency of the subaudible tone.
  • notch - This indicates if the notch filter for the tune frequency is enabled
  • ID - This is a user-defined identification from the file id.txt - see more about that file below.  Updates to this file take effect when monitor is (re)started.
    • The items in the example above are from a version of id.txt that I edited to include local repeaters.
  • In the Activitiy column we have:
    • Total - The number of seconds that this channel was active since monitor was started
    • Current - The number of seconds that this channel has been active during the current period of signal detection (e.g. squelch being open).
      • Note:  The "current" and "total" times are usually the same indicating that this parameter is not actually what it seems to be or isn't working as expected.
    • Idle - The number of hours, minutes and seconds since the last activity from this channel.  This field will be blank if the channel is active.
  • Play Queue - This shows the current buffer level (queue) for the current channel.  It will be non-zero if the channel is active.

  • The "fm" and "pm" modes in ka9q-radio have the squelch ENABLED by default.
  • UNLESS a signal is present on a given frequency you will not hear audio.  Additionally, the audio from the receiver will not be streamed at all unless the squelch is open.
  • What this means is that if you have no signals present (e.g. no antennas connected) you will see nothing from the monitor program.
  • If your list happens to include linked repeaters you may hear echoes or odd phasing effects (including audio cancellation) due to delays in the audio between the transmitters.
If all goes right, you should hear audio from the speaker from EVERY frequency that is active.  In other words, if there are a dozen different repeaters active and being received, you will hear a dozen different audio sources.  Fortunately, you can control chaos so from within the monitor program, press the "h" key to get a list of options - the most relevant for the current discussion shown below:
  • ↑ ↓ - Select prev/next session
  • ⤒ ⤓ - Home/End select first/last session
  • ⇞ ⇟ - Page up/Page down select prev/next session page
  • d - Delete session
  • r - Reset playout buffer
  • m - Mute current session
  • M - Mute all sessions
  • u - Unmute current session
  • U - Unmute all sessions
  • A - Toggle start all sessions muted
  • - + - Volume -1/+1 dB - Use the +/- at the top of the keyboard rather than those on the numeric keypad.
  • ← → - Stereo position left/right (pan)
  • v - Toggle verbose display
  • h - Toggle help display
  • q - Toggle quiet mode
In other words, you can move up/down between receivers to select that on which the controls (keys) will operate.

When you first do this, it's recommended that you hit the "M" key (uppercase) to mute ALL receivers - and then use the up/down arrow to select which one(s) you wish to hear and then hit the "u" (lowercase) key to unmute that receiver.  You can then use the plus and minus keys to adjust the volume, left/right arrows to pan (move between speakers), etc.

To exit monitor hit "CTRL-C".

  • If the "M" command is used to mute all sessions, this will NOT apply to new sessions that appear (e.g. sessions that appear after the "M" command has been issued will NOT be muted.)
  • When adjusting the volume, use the +/- key at the top of the keyboard (below the function keys) rather than those on the numeric keypad.
Using the "id.txt" file to populate the "ID" field

Note:  Unlike other configuration files, this resides in the same directory from which "radiod" is called.

This file contains a list of frequencies or more precisely, a list of SSRC values with an accompanying description in the format on each line - and this is how we populate the ID column seen in the display produced by the monitor program, above. 

# <your comment here>
<ssrc>   <description>

As in:

#2 meter repeater output frequencies
146620  W7SP Farnsworth Peak (SLC)
146700  KC7IIB Ensign Peak  (SLC)

The format couldn't be simpler!  
  Comment lines begin with a hash (#).

The possible "gotcha" is the ssrc values.  As noted elsewhere in this pages it helps to be consistent!

The "radiod" utility uses the "FFTW3" library and this is, by far, the heaviest user of CPU in ka9q-radio.  Because it is so processor-intensive, optimizations are possible to improve its performance and these are based specifically on the CPU environment in which ka9q-radio is used.  While it isn't strictly necessary to make these optimizations, they are particularly helpful on systems that need all of the help that they can get (e.g. older computers, Raspberry Pi).

The file "docs/" is recommended reading and it includes the use of nwisdom, but the most important portion is repeated here:

FFTW3 provides a 'wisdom' feature to find and remember the most efficient way to perform specific transform types and sizes.  While radiod will probably run in real time without it on faster x86 systems it is especially recommended on the Raspberry Pi 4. This requires that you run FFTW3's fftwf-wisdom utility with the actual transform sizes needed by the parameters you use with the radiod program. This can take hours but is worth the improvement in performance.

Until I can figure out how to do all this easily and automatically, here's a suggested run:

$ time fftwf-wisdom -v -T 1 -o nwisdom rof500000 cof36480 cob1920 cob1200 cob960 cob800 cob600 cob480 cob320 cob300 cob200 cob160

This finds the best way to do the following transforms:

rof500000: Airspy R2, 20 Ms/s real, 20 ms (50 Hz) block time, overlap 5 (20%).

cof36480: Airspy HF+, 912 ks/s complex, 20 ms (50 Hz), overlap 2 (50%).

cob1920, etc: inverse FFTs for 20 ms (50 Hz) block times, overlap factors of 2 and 5, and various common sample rates supported by the Opus codec (8/12/16/24/48 kHz).

NB!! fftwf-wisdom isn't careful about permissions checking. Nor does it do any checkpointing. I've had hour-long runs ruined because it couldn't write its output file. Write into a temporary file (e.g., nwisdom) and then carefully move that into /etc/fftw/wisdomf after backing up previous versions.

Note also that wisdom files computed for the multithreading option (which I use) are NOT compatible with wisdom files computed without multithreading. That's true even for -T 1 (multithreading with just one thread). Do NOT omit the -T 1 option, or you may destroy all your previous computation work!

FFTW3 provides a way to automatically create and cache wisdom at runtime, but with a very long startup delay. I need to move wisdom generation to a separate process independent of radiod. It would be nice if FFTW3 automatically learned as it went, getting faster on user data without performing the exhaustive search up front.

Usage:      opusd [-l|-V] [-x] [-v] [-f] [-p tos] [-o bitrate] [-B blocktime] [-N name] [-T ttl] [-A iface] [-I input_mcast_address | -S input_status_address] -R output_mcast_address

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -l  OR  -V:  -l = low delay mode optimization;  -V = VOIP mode optimization.  (Default with neither option is for general audio applications)
  • -x:  Discontinuous (e.g. "DTX" - reduced bit rate when audio is silent - Default = 0, off)
  • -v:  Verbose
  • -f:  Enable FEC (Default = 0, off)
  • -p:  IP Type-of-service (Default:  48, or AF12<<2)
  • -o: Opus bit rate (Default:  32 kbits/sec)
  • -B:  Blocktime in msec  (Default:  20 msec)
  • -N:  Name of stream  (Default:  null)
  • -T: Time To Live  (Default:  1)
  • -A:  Interface (e.g. "Eth0")
  • -I:  Input multicast address (Default:  null)
  • -S:  Input status address (Default:  null)
  • -R: Output Multicast Address (Default:  null)

Opus is an open-source codec package and this, along with "opussend" (below) can be used to convey one or more audio streams across the Internet - or across LAN/WAN segments that are not "friendly" to Multicast data.

This may be run as a service:  See the related "opusd.conf" files.

More information about the Opus Codec may be found here:

To Do:  Example of use

Usage:    opussend [-L] [-x] [-v] [-o bitrate] [-B blocktime] [-I input muticast address] [-R output multicast address] [-T multicast TTL] [-p Type of Service] [-f FEC]

The parameters and their defaults are:

  • -o: Opus bit rate (Default:  32 kbits/sec)
  • -B:  Blocktime in msec  (Default:  20 msec.)
    • There may be some advantage of having this blocktime the same as that defined in the [global] section of radio.conf.
  • -T: Time To Live  (Default:  10)
  • -R: Output Multicast Address (Default:  null)
  • -p:  IP Type-of-service (Default:  48, or AF12<<2)
  • -v:  Verbose
  • -x:  Discontinuous (e.g. "DTX" - reduced bit rate when audio is silent - Default is off)
  • -I:  Input multicast address (Default:  null)
  • -L:  List audio devices
  • -f:  Forward Error Correction (Default:  0 - disabled)
Specifying nothing for the "-R" parameter will cause opssend to attempt to use a (default?) sound card as the output.

This utility may be used to send audio from multicast data produced by KA9Q-Radio using the Opus codec.  In this way audio can be coded and transported using TCP/IP and conveyed across the Internet - or LAN/WAN segments that are not "friendly" to Multicast data.

See "opusd" (above) for more information about the Opus codec.

To do:  Example of use

:    packetd [--verbose|-v] [--ttl|-T mcast_ttl] [--pcm-in|-I input_mcast_address [--pcm-in|-I address2]] [--ax25-out|-R output_mcast_address] [input_address ...]
This program decodes AX.25 packet (1200 baud) - typically from a VHF/UHF (multicast) audio source.

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • --verbose OR -v:  Verbose mode
  • --ttl OR -T:  multicast time-to-live
  • --pcm-in OR -I:  input multicast address
    • --pcm-in OR -I:  Second input multicast address  (up to 10, total)
  • --ax25-out OR -R:  Output multicast address
  • -N:  Name
  • -A:  Multicast interface
  • -S:  Status address
  • -p:  IP Type-of-service (Default:  0)

Source code says "Reads RTP PCM audio stream, emits decoded frames in multicast RTP"

Available as a service - uses "packetd.conf"

To do:  Example of use

pcamcat send the contents of the specified stream to STDOUT.  If you need to pick off a single receiver and send it to an audio device, a file or another stream, this is one way to do it - but note that there may be other ways that might better suit your specific need.

Usage:    pcmcat <multicast addr> -s <ssrc>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -s <ssrc> - Specify ssrc, typically the text of the frequency in the .conf file with the non-numerical characters remove
  • -2 - Force 2-channel mode - typically used for I/Q data or FM broadcast stereo audio  (Default is 1 channel)
  • -v - Verbose mode
  • -q - "Quiet" mode (no console output
While it is possible to use other tools to extract a audio from a multicast stream (To Do:  Discuss other methods in this or another document) the "pcmcat" tool allows you to do so and send it to STDOUT.  Taking the example of the WWV receivers again, consider the following line:

./pcmcat -s 10000 | aplay -r 12000 -c 1 -f s16_le

If you have installed "Avahi", you could alternatively used the line:  
./pcmcat wwv-pcm.local -s 10000 | aplay -r 12000 -c 1 -f s16_le

If all goes well (e.g. rx888d and radiod are running) you will hear the 10 MHz WWV audio.

In the above we see the multicast IP address for the WWV receivers - but following the "-s" parameter we see the "ssrc" - in this case "10000" representing 10 MHz (or another number if we had used the "ssrc" parameter when we defined the receiver).  Following this we see that we have piped the audio to "aplay", specifying a sample rate of 12 kHz (-r 12000), a monaural source (-c 1) and the format of our audio (-f s16_le) which is 16-bit signed, little-endian.

If desired, you could pipe the raw audio somewhere else - perhaps to a file - or use SOX to write it to a .wav file, instead as this example:

 ./pcmcat wwv-pcm.local -s 10000 | sox -t raw -r 12000 -b 16 -c 1 -L -e signed-integer - out.wav

This will record the 10 MHz WWV receiver, via "STDOUT" from pcmcat to the file "out.wav".

To make it record for 2 minutes, the following will work:

timeout 120  ./pcmcat wwv-pcm.local -s 10000 | sox -t raw -r 12000 -b 16 -c 1 -L -e signed-integer - out.wav


This program allows the "sending" of PCM data (audio device?) via multicast.

Usage:  pcmsend -I <audio device> -R <multicast address>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -L:  List audio devices.  This option outputs a device number followed by a description of the device.
  • -p:  IP Type-of-service (Default:  48 = AF12<<2)
  • -T:  Multicast TTL (Default:  1)
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -I:  Audio device  (Default:  null)  This parameter expects the device number (not the name) as produced with the "-L" option.
  • -R:  Multicast output address  (Default:  null)  A numerical multicast IP address in the appropriate address range is required.
To do:  Determine proper formatting of <audio device> and give example of use


It appears as though this utility can be used to produce a multicast stream from a PCM (audio source) using a device like a sound card.  Rather than using the ALSA name, one uses the "-L" parameter to obtain a list of devices that consists of a number followed by a name, as in "0:  HDA Intel PCH:  ALC662 rev3 Analog (hw:0,0)".  When specifying an audio device using "-I" it is the number produced by this list that is used rather than the name.

In testing, "pcmsend" seemed to work with PCM hardware, but it failed in initial testing with a virtual (loopback) device with an error indicating that the sample rate was invalid - but further testing at different sample rates and with different loopback configurations (in ".asoundrc") may be warranted.

It is my impression that this utility may be largely deprecated, having been used as a data source for early testing rather than being intended for general use and is therefore of limited usefulness - but I'd be happy to know otherwise.

This records elements of the multicast stream to individual .wav files:  If there are multiple audio channels defined in the relevant section of the "radiod.conf" file, a separate .wav file is produces for each radio channel/frequency.

Usage:  pcmrecord -s -v -d -t <timeout> -m <sec> -l <locale>   <multicast addr>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v - Verbose mode
  • -l - Desired locale (default will be that to which your system is set - can affect numerical/date format)
  • -s - Create subdirectories for the .wave files using the ssrc in the multicast as the name (files will NOT be in subdirectories if this is not included)
  • -d <name> - Specify directory name.  If "-s" is used, those subdirectories are placed in the directory specified here.
  • -t <sec> - Timeout (in case data stops)
  • -m <sec> - Set minimum time for "substantial" file.  If the file created is less than the duration specified in seconds, it is automatically deleted when the stream ends:  This prevents the creation of lots small files shorter than the specified duration.
.wav files are created at the bit rate specified in the stream definition (12 kHz for the "wwv" example, above) and are named:


Where "frequency" is that named in the .config file that defines the stream.  (e.g. "5000k" for the 5 MHz WWV example)

Usage examples:

    pcmrecord -s -d recordings wwv-pcm.local -v    This will create a .wav file for each element of the stream (e.g. a separate .wav file each for 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 MHz) and place it in the "recordings" subdirectory.

To create a timed recording (e.g. stops after a certain amount of time) precede this with "timeout <x>" where "x" is the number of seconds, as in:

    timeout 60 pcmrecord -s -d recordings wwv-pcm.local -v
 to produce a .wav file of 60 seconds duration

Source code says "Receive and demux RTP PCM streams into a command pipeline" - program has no usage/help information and I'm not sure what it does, exactly - need to find example of use-case.

Usage:  pcmspawn [-v] [-S status multicast] [-N command] [-A default interface] [-I Input multicast address]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -S:  Status stream multicast
  • -A:  Default interface (e.g. "Eth0")
  • -I:  Input multicast address
  • -N:  Command
To do:  Give example of use - determine precise format used in "-N command".

This is a PL (subaudible tone) decoder - used primarily for VHF/UHF FM reception.

Usage:  pl -A <iface> -I <multicast address> -T <ttl>  OR  pl -A <iface> -T <ttl> <multicaqst address>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -A:  Interface (e.g. "Eth0")
  • -T:  Time to live (Default:  10)
  • -I:  (The "-I" parameter is optional)  Multicast address:  Several multicast addresses may be specified (Up to 20 as of this writing)

Minimal example:  pl <mcast address>

When any of the tones defined in "pl" are detected - which includes the standard CTCSS (subaudible)tones - the ssrc on which the tone was detected, the tone frequency and its level will be sent to STDOUT.  Note that if multiple receivers/frequencies are specified in the "radiod.conf" file, each audio stream is monitored for content.

It appears that the "-I" parameter is optional.  More than one multicast address may be specified.

This is useful if one has, for example, multiple 2 meter and 70cm receivers tuned to local repeaters:  With this one command one can determine when a audbaudible tones are properly decoded which, in turn, could trigger recording/logging, etc.

Example output text:  ssrc 146520: tone 100.0 Hz -5.0 dB  - This might be the output of a (hypothetical) receiver on 146.520 MHz where a 100.0 Hz tone was present.

Usage:    powers [-v] [-b bins] [-c count] [-f] frequency] [-i interval] [-s ssrc] [-t tc] [-T timout] [-w Binwidth] [input multicast address]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -b:  Number of FFT bins (Default:  0)
  • -c:  Count of number of updates to do.  Will repeat infinitely if set to -1.  (Default:  1)
  • -f:  Frequency  (Default:  -1)
  • -i:  Interval between updates, in seconds  (Default:  5)
  • -s:  SSRC of input multicast stream
  • -t:  tc (Default:  0) - Need to determine what this is.
  • -T:  Retransmission timeout (Default:  No timeout)
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -w:  Bin bandwidth (Default:  0)
Source code says "Read FFT bin energies from spectrum pseudo-demod and format similar to rtl_power"


Suppose that we are using radiod with "radiod@hf.conf" and we want to look at the FFT bins around the 5 MHz WWV frequency.  For this we would do:

powers -c 10 -s 5000 hf.local -i 0.1 -f  5000k -b 32

  • -c 10: We are specifying that we dump the FFT data 10 times before exiting.
  • -s 5000:  The ssrc of the 5 MHz WWV signal in "radiod@hf.conf"
  • -i 0.1:  Repeat the above every 0.1 seconds (e.g. 10 times/sec)
  • -f 5000k:  Specify that we want to look at the spectrum at 5000 kHz (5 MHz)
  • -b 32:  We want 32 FFT bins
The result will be the time stamp and the data being dumped to the command line.

  • The use of this utility seems to halt the PCM stream used in the analysis from radiod.
  • Large values of bin numbers seem to crash radiod.

Usage:  radiod [-v] [-I] [-N name] [ -p fftw_plan_time_limit] <config_file>

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -I:  Dump interfaces  (More info needed)
  • -N <name>:  Name of this instance  - appears to be tied to the control stream.
  • -p <fftw_plan_time_limit):  (More info needed)
  • <config_file>  This is the configuratio file used to define things buffer, overlap, default sample rates and modes and anything else that defines the virtual receivers.
    • Example config files are named "radiod@hf.conf", "radiod@fm.conf", etc.
    • The config files are located by default in /etc/radio.

This is the main processing program that takes raw samples from the acquisition device and produces the individual pcm data streams.  "radiod" uses configuration files, the default being those located in /etc/radio.

See the examples on the page for an example of its use with the RX-888.

Source code says "FM RDS demodulator/decoder".  Useful only for WFM FM broadcast signals:  RDS is a data channel found at 57 kHz on many FM broadcast signals that conveys song/title/artist information, station identification, and can also can contain other information such as traffic and weather data.

Usage:    rdsd [-v] [-T mcast_ttl] -I input_mcast_address -R output_mcast_address

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -T:  Multicast TTL (time to live)  (Default:  10)
  • -N:  Name (Default:  "rds")
  • -S:  Status 
  • -p:  IP TOS (Type of service)  (Default:  48  AF12<<2)
  • -I:  Input multicast address
See "rdsd.conf" for additional configuration.  This may be run as a service.

Usage:    rtlsdrd [-A mcast_ifce] [-D mcast_dest_addr] [-I rtlsdr_dev_index] [-L] [-R metadata_dest] [-S rtp_ssrc] [-T rtp_ttl] [-a] [-b] [-c] [-f freq_hz] [-h] [-p IP_tos] [-r sample_rate] [-t mcast_stat_ttl] [-v]

Note:  "rtlsdrd" does not (yet?) have an associated ".conf" file and all parameters are entered on the command line.

See the page:  Using KA9Q-Radio with the RTL-SDR dongle - link for an example as to how you can use an RTL-SDR with KA9Q-Radio.

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -A:  Multicast interface (e.g. eth0)
  • -D:  Multicast destination address for RTP (PCM/audio/sample) data.
  • -I:  Input device (Default is device "0")  This may allow the use of the serial number defined by the user using the "rtl_eeprom" utility.
  • -L:  Set "linearity" using gain tables - default without this parameter is "sensitivity"
  • -R:  Metadata destination address
  • -S:  ssrc for multicast output data
  • -T:  TTL (time to live) for RTP data
  • -a:  Enable software AGC
  • -b:  Enable bias voltage on antenna connector (e.g. "bias tee") - Approx. 4.7 volts at 100 mA, max.
  • -c:  Frequency calibration.  This is a decimal number, positive/negative, to adjust the frequency.
  • -f:  Initial center frequency in Hz
  • -p:  IP TOS (Type of service)  (Default:  48  AF12<<2)
  • -r:  Sample rate .  RTL-SDR dongles typically support sample rates of  225-300 kHz and 900-2048 kHz - the upper limit usually being limited by the USB hardware.  Sample rates of higher than 2048 may work in some cases (particularly on USB 3.0 hardware) but this would need to be tested on a per-device basis to determine if samples are dropped.
  • -t:  Multicast status stream TTL (time to live)
Note:  Clarification of "Linearity" and "Sensitivity" modes controlled by the "-L" parameter and how gain might be manually set is needed.  It is unknown how this module handles the use of "Converter" mode - via the R820T converter - and "Direct" mode as used <30 MHz.

This reads from an RTL-SDR dongle SDR,sending status and accepting control commands via its UDP socket.  Example needed.


This utility currently lacks the following functionality regarding RTL-SDR dongles:
  • The ability to select the "direct" ("Q") input that allows some RTL-SDR devices (such as the RTL-SDR Blog Version 3) to receive at HF frequencies.
  • This ability to manually set the gain of the R820T frequency converter.
    • It is useful to set the gain of the RTL-SDR manually in the following scenario:  In many metropolitan areas, there can be repeaters with signal levels that are >-50 dBm.  As the AGC action of the RTL-SDR will naturally set the gain to maximum in the presence of strong signals, when a signal greater than approximately -65 dB appears in the passband, the receiver will briefly overload prior to the AGC action occurring.  This causes two effects:
      • All signals being received will be briefly disrupted due to overload.  For voice monitoring, this causes an audible "click", but for AX.25 packet operation, this will probably cause the loss of the entire packet.
      • Weaker signals will seem to appear and disappear depending on the current AGC-derived gain setting, the depth of gain reduction due to AGC action and the strength of the weak signals.  This issue is unavoidable due to the limited dynamic range of the RTL-SDR's 8 bit A/D, but a fixed gain setting would provide consistency.
      • It would also be useful to limit how high the AGC gain could go in the absence of other signals.
    • In practice, the manual gain could be set for the user's RF environment emperically - by listening to signals when the strongest local transmitters (e.g. repeaters) are active and/or observing the A/D's peak "dbFS" reading using the control program.

Usage:    rx888d [-v] [-f config_file]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -f:  Configuration file (Default:  "/etc/radio/rx888d.conf")
    • If you are testing various configurations of rx888d and you are not running it as a service, it is recommended that you copy the original "rx888d.conf", rename it to something else (e.g. "rx888d_test.conf" and invoke that test file with the command line parameter of "-f rx888d_test.conf".
This reads from an RX-888 SDR, sending status and accepting control commands via its UDP socket - Can be run as a service.

The following parameters are used in the .conf file:
  • firmware - This parameter specifies the name of the firmware file loaded into the RX-888.  There is no default, but the file "SDDC_FX3.img" is most commonly-used.
  • queuedepth - (default = 16)
  • reqsize - (default = 8)
  • dither - This enables internal dithering of the A/D converter (default = 0)
  • rand - This enables the "randomization" of the A/D converter's output (default = 0)
  • att - The amount of attenuation in the receive signal path.  Range is 0 - 31.5 dB (default = 0)
  • gainmode - This sets the gain mode as "low" or "high" (default = "high")
  • gain - This sets the gain in the singal path.  Range is 0-34.0 dB (default = "1.5")
  • samprate - This sets the A/D converter sample rate.  The minimum is 1000000 (1 Msps) - Useful maximum is around 130 Msps.  (default = 32000000)
  • data-ttl - The data (RTP) multicast time-to-live (default = 0)
  • status -ttl - The metatdata multicast time-to-live (default = 1)
  • blocksize - The block size used for processing  (default selected automatically)
  • descriptionThis is a text description of the receiver - used in metadata.  This often describes the receiver, its purpose and/or antenna.  (default = null)
  • ssrc - The ssrc of the RTP data.  (default selected automatically)
  • tos - Type of IP service (default = 48  AF12<<2)
  • data - The hostname of the RTP multicast stream (default = "rx888-pcm.local")
  • status - The hostname of the metadata multicast stream (default = "rx888-status.local")
  • iface - The default interface used for multicast data - typically "lo" (loopback) or "etho0".  (default = null)

See the page 
using_ka9q_radio_with_the_rx888 - link for an example of its use.

The default configuration for the rx888 may be found in the file rx888d.conf  - but note that the working version of this file will be found in /etc/radio  - so if you make any changes, you'll need to do so there, likely requiring sudo to edit it.  Also note that at the current time, if you reinstall/update ka9q from the .git, the configuration files in ~/ka9q-radio and /etc/radio will be overwritten.

Usage:    sdrplayd [-v] [-f config_file]

The parameters and their defaults are:

  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -f:  Configuration file (Default:  "/etc/radiosdrplayd.conf")
    • If you are testing various configurations of sdrplayd and you are not running it as a service, it is recommended that you copy the original "sdrplayd.conf", rename it to something else (e.g. "sdrplayd_test.conf" and invoke that test file with the command line parameter of "-f sdrplayd_test.conf".
This reads from an SDRPlay SDR, sending status and accepting control commands via its UDP socket - Can be run as a service.

See the page using_ka9q_radio_with_the_SDRPlay RSP1a - link for an example of its use.

The fields used in the ".conf" file are as follows:
  • descriptionThis is a text description of the receiver - used in metadata.  This often describes the receiver, its purpose and/or antenna.  (default = null)
  • serial - This is the serial number of the receiver to be used, found printed on the enclosure, but it can also be found using "dmesg" and "grep".  This serial number - in its entirety - is required.  Using the serial number to uniquely identify hardware allows multiple SDRPlay devices to be used at the same time, on the same computer.  (default = null)
  • mode - This sets the operational mode of the device - useful only for the SDRPlay RSPDuo.  (default = "rspduo-mode")
  • antenna - This selects the antenna - useful only for devices with multiple antenna ports.  (default = null)
  • ifreq - This selects the IF frequency (default = -1)
  • bandwidth - This selects the bandwidth filter.  Valid sections are 200, 300, 600, 1536, 5000, 6000, 7000 and 8000 kHz.  (default = -1)
  • frequency - This sets the center frequency, in Hz, of the receiver (default = 0)
  • samprate - This specifies the sample rate.  (default = 2000000)
  • lna-state - The RSP1a has a parameter called "lna state" that configures the a combination of gain and attenuation between front end and the frequency converter.  (default = -1)
    • In general, the lower the number (0 is the lowest) the higher the gain and more sensitive the receiver - but the amount of gain varies depending on the frequency range.
    • The lna-state parameter has a tremendous effect on the receive system noise figure.  This is less important on HF where the noise floor can be very high, but it is very important at VHF and UHF frequencies.
    • For the RSP1a, values of 0 are suitable for VHF/UHF use while values of 2 or 3 are more appropriate for use on a full-sized HF antenna.
    • For more information about the effect of the gain and lna state settings on the RSP1a see the article:  Observations of the SDRPLay RSP1a when used at HF frequencies - link.
    • Additional information about the RSP1a's gain settings may be found in the "Detailed Technical Information" document and in the API documentation on the SDRPlay web site.
  • rf-att - This sets the RF attenuation value.  The support of this parameter depends on the hardware used (default = -1)
  • rf-gr - This sets the RF gain value.   The support of this parameter depends on the hardware used (default = -1)
  • if-gr - This sets the IF gain reduction value.  See "if-att" below.
  • if-att - This sets the amount of gain reduction in the signal path to 40 dB.  The range for the RSP1a is from 20 to 59 dB.
    • This attenuator is located after the LNA, so it has far less effect on receiver noise figure (and sensitivity) than the "lna state" parameter.
    • Values of "if-att" between 20 and 30 have minimal effect on absolute sensitivity (e.g. S/N ratio) but will have the expected effect (e.g. 10 dB change between 20 and 30) on the amount of signal power reaching the A/D converter.
    • For more information about the effect of the gain and lna state settings on the RSP1a see the article:  Observations of the SDRPLay RSP1a when used at HF frequencies - link.
    • Additional information about the RSP1a's gain settings may be found in the "Detailed Technical Information" document and in the API documentation on the SDRPlay web site.
  • if-agc - Enable/disable IF AGC.  (default = 0, disabled)
  • if-agc-rate - This sets the rate at which the AGC operates - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = -1)
  • if-agc-setPoint-dBfs - This sets the AGC setpoint in dB relative to full-scale on the A/D converter - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = -60)
  • if-agc-attack-ms - This sets the attack rate of the AGC  - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = 0)
  • if-agc-decay-ms - This sets the attack rate of the AGC - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = 0)
  • if-agc-decay-delay-ms - This sets the delay before decay (e.g. "hang time") of the AGC in milliseconds - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = 0)
  • if_agc-decay_threshold_dB - This sets the threshold for the AGC decay in dB - see the SDRPlay API documentation for more detail.  (default = 0)
  • dc-offset-corr - This enables/disables the DC offset correction of the A/D converter.  (default = 1 = enabled)
  • iq_imbalance_corr - This enables/disables the I/Q amplitude and phase imbalance correction.  (default = 1 = enabled)
  • bulk-transfer-mode - This enables the "bulk transfer" mode on the USB interface instead of isochronous mode.  (default = 0 for isochronous mode)
  • rf-notch - This enables the "RF Notch" used to reduce signals from FM broadcast.  (default = 0)
  • dab-notch - This enables the DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) otch used to reduce signals from European DAB services around 200 MHz.  (default = 0)
  • am-notch - This enables the notch used to reduce signals from AM (Mediumwave) broadcast.  (default = 0)
  • bias-t - This enables the "bias-tee" which puts about 4.7 volts (100 mA maximum) on the antenna connection for powering external amplifiers, etc.  (default = 0)
  • status - This defines the host name of the control  multicast stream for this receiver:  This will be needed by "radiod" and other utilities to control/monitor this receiver hardware.  (default = null)
  • data - This defines the host name of the data (raw I/Q) multicast stream for this receiver.  (default = null)
  • data-ttl - The data (RTP) multicast time-to-live (default = 0)
  • status-ttl - The metatdata multicast time-to-live (default = 1)
  • blocksize - The block size used for processing  (default selected automatically)
  • descriptionThis is a text description of the receiver - used in metadata.  (default = null)
  • ssrc - The ssrc of the RTP data.  (default selected automatically)
  • tos - Type of IP service (default = 48  AF12<<2)
  • iface - The default interface used for multicast data - typically "lo" (loopback) or "etho0".  (default = null)

NOTE:  You MUST have the SDRPlay API installed to compile!  This is available from - Then select "RSP1A" and "Linux/x86 Ubuntu", click "next, select "API", check the box on the right edge of the line for "API 3.07", and then click on the blue bar above this that says "Select one download from the list below and then click here".

The default configuration for sdrplayd may be found in the file sdrplayd.conf  - but note that the working version of this file will be found in /etc/radio  - so if you make any changes, you'll need to do so there, likely requiring sudo to edit it.  Also note that at the current time, if you reinstall/update ka9q from the .git, the configuration files in ~/ka9q-radio and /etc/radio will be overwritten.


As of the time of this writing (20230612) "sdrplayd.c" will not compile unless the following changes are made:
  • Change the line #include <iniparser.h>  to #include <iniparser/iniparser.h>
  • Do a search-and-replace of all instances of complex int16_t  to complex short
  • These changes should allow "sdrplayd" to compile (e.g. "make sdrplayd") - but remember that the SDRPlay API must be installed.  (I have tested it only with API Version 3.07).

Usage:    setfilt [-v] [-l locale] [-r Radio]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -l:  Locale (Default:  "en_us.UTF-8")
  • -r:  Radio (Default:  null)  I'm not sure if this is the data multicast or the status multicast.
Source code says "Interactive program to set predetection filters".  

This apparently allows the adjustment of the "low" and "high" band-pass limits of receivers, but I've not yet figured out exactly what this does or how to use it.


Usage:    show_pkt [-v] Multicast_addr

The parameters and their defaults are:

  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • Multicast_addr:  The address of the metadata multicast stream of the receiver hardware.
Source code says:  "Display RTP statistics"


If we are are using the "rx-888d", the metadata/control multicast address might be "rx888-status.local", so our command line would be:

show-pkt rx888-status.local

A typical display is something like:

Input SSRC                   0
Input data pkts              0
Input data drops             0
Input data dups              0

Input metaqqqqq
Input meta pkts              0

Output data
rxtestsvr:37291 ->
Output SSRC                  a
Output TTL                   0
Output data pkts   370,966,848

rxtestsvr:49475 ->
Output meta pkts       125,098
Commands               125,0


Usage:    show_sig [-v] Multicast_addr

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • Multicast_addr:  The multicast address of receiver (I think)

Source code says "Display signal levels".

Program crashes with "buffer overflow detected" when invoked with either a PCM or metadata stream - I'm probably doing something wrong.

Usage:      stereod [-v] [-T mcast_ttl] [-S status_address | -I input_mcast_address]

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -A:  Interface (e.g. "Eth0")
  • -I:  Input multicast address
  • -N:  Name (Default:  "stereo")
  • -R:  Output (Multicast "send" socket)
  • -S:  Status
  • -p:  IP TOS (Type of service)  (Default:  48  AF12<<2)
  • -t:  Multicast status stream TTL (time to live)  (Default:  10)
  • --pcm-out:  Sound card/PCM device (used instead of "-R")
Stereo decoder for WFM demodulation stream:  It will send to a PCM device (or output stream?) - Can be run as a service.  See "stereod.conf".

Usage:    tune [-h] [-l LOCALE] -r/--radio RADIO -s/--ssrc SSRC [-v] FREQUENCY

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -s or --ssrc:  ssrc of audio stream
  • -l:  Locale  (Default:  "en_us.UTF-8")
  • -r or --radio:  Radio multicast address
Source code says "Interactive program to tune radio"

As in:

    tune -r <tuner multicast> -s <ssrc>  FREQUENCY


Take the example of "radiod@hf.conf" where the "status" (e.g. metadata, control) multicast address is "hf.local".  Within this file may also be found under the section called [WWV] are the WWV freuquencies including "5000k" (5 MHz).  As we know from other examples (see also the write-up about the configuration file) the "ssrc" value for a frequency specified as "5000k" in "radiod@hf.conf" is "5000".  An example to tune this virtual receiver to 5001 kHz  is:

tune -r hf.local -s 5001k

In the above example we are using notation to specify the frequency.  We could have also represented 5001 kHz as "5m001", "5001000", "5001k000", etc.

  • As stated (many time!) elsewhere in this documentation, you should be consistent and careful in how the frequencies are represented in the ".conf" files as this will also determine the ssrc for that virtual receiver.
  • You may also not from above that the tuner multicast address is the "status" address for the entire configuration file.  Because you can have (almost) as many receivers as you want, it's possible to - if you wish - to receive the same frequency more than once.  For example, if - for some reason - you were to define the 5 MHz WWV frequency twice, you could do it both times using the notation as "5000k".  While it is likely that this would be flagged as an error when "radiod" has started, you could also see that if it did have the same SSRC, you could not differentiate the two using the "tune" command - although under the different sections they may well have different "data" multicast addresses.
  • If you change the frequency, the ssrc does not change.  For example, if you were to retune the 5 MHz WWV receiver in the example above to 5001 kHz, you would still need to reference that virtual receiver with its original ssrc of "5000" even though its frequency had been changed.


Usage:    wspr-decoded [-l locale] [-v] [-k] [-d recdir] PCM_multicast_address

The parameters and their defaults are:
  • -v:  Verbose mode
  • -l:  Locale
  • -d:  Record directory under which the individual receivers' files (wspr decoded, audio) go. 
  • -k:  Keep audio recordings after decode cycle.  (Warning:  This can quickly fill a drive!)
  • PCM_multicast_address:  This is the multicast address of the receiver (audio) data.
This may be used to monitor multiple outputs (frequencies) from radiod and perform WSPR decodes upon those - wsjtx is required for this to work.  This is available as a service.

Example (as a program):

    ./wspr-decoded &      or   ./wspr-decoded wspr-pcm.local &

The "&" at the end causes it to run as a background process - use "killall wspr-decoded" to stop, but wspr-decoded is also available as a service.  The file "wspr-decoded.conf" is associated.

This will cause all defined wspr frequencies to be decoded on a 2-minute interval.  Note that this simply decodes the received signals and places the report in "ALL_WSPR.TXT".  This does NOT upload WSPR spots to

The files produced by wspr-decoded are placed in individual directories with the names bearing the receive frequencies, as in "14956000" for 20 meters and "3568600" for 80 meters.  If the "-d" parameter is specified, this will define the name of the root directory containing these sub-directories.

Within each frequency's directory are the following files:
  • A .wav file named:  <YYMMDD>_<HHMM>.wav  These files are approximately 1:54 in length.  (These files will pile up if the "-k" option is specified!)
  • ALL_WSPR.TXT - This contains the decoded spots
  • hashtable.txt - Used primarily for "type 2" WSPR spots where information is sent in more than one transmission, but a "hash" is used in lieu of a callsign to alow the "other" packet (without the callsign) to be associated with the one with the callsign.  Type 2 spots most commonly used to convey the 6-character grid square or additional information such as telemetry, etc. used for baloons and other special purposes.
  • wspr_timer.out -Contains statistics related to decoding
  • wspr_wisdom.dat - This is used for optimizing the FFT used for decoding.

NOTE:  The "wsprd" binary (part of wsjt-x) used to decode the packets may consume all available processing time.  What this means is that even on a fairly fast computer, audio drop-outs and lost receive data samples may be occur starting at the beginning of every even minute as WSPR spot processing is done.  It may be necessary to change the priority (e.g. set a high "nice" number) of the WSPR decoding process to prevent this from happening along with increasing the priority of other critical processes like radiod.


For an example showing the use of ka9q-radio with the RX-888 SDR, go here:

Additional information:
 Back to the Northern Utah WebSDR landing page