Terms and conditions of use of the Northern Utah WebSDR:
The Northern Utah WebSDR system
is a free-to-use, publically-available resource that allows
remote reception on the HF and select VLF, LF, MF and VHF bands.
The Northern Utah WebSDR is supported entirely by
volunteer effort and donations and any commercial or governmental use
that might be
ocurring is being done serreptitiously and without our consent.
While best
efforts are made to keep the system online and available to everyone, there are no
warranties expressed or
implied, nor shall there be any liabilities related to the use and usability of the Northern Utah WebSDR for any
purposes whatsovever.
Use for
emergency communications:
During special events, exercises or emergencies, we'll do what we can
to accommodate and maintain the system, but we cannot guarantee that
the system will be available - and, of course, any incident dependent
on the vagaries of HF propagation is subject to the whims of mother
nature. The Internet, being what it is, can also be adversely
impacted, depending on the footprint and nature of whatever event might
Remember: The
Northern Utah WebSDR - or any
WebSDR - should NEVER
be used as the primary
or sole resource for life and safety concerns. In the event
that life-critical communcations are
undertaken - via this or any WebSDR, or over the air - IMMEDIATELY
contact the appropriate first responder agencies.
By using
the Northern Utah WebSDR you agree to acknowledge and abide by these
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions please
refer them to the contact information found at the bottom of the About page.