Using Configuration files in KA9Q-Radio
This document represents an effort on my part to understand the operation
of "ka9q-radio" and is not intended to be authoritative.
As such, this is a work in progress
and will certainly contain many "blank spots" and errors.
What it
is intended to do is to help the new user along and start to get the
"feel" of how the pieces go together.
Please read EVERY
document in the /docs directory of the "ka9q-radio" git - and refer
back when you see something you don't understand!
For more information about ka9q-radio, go here:
This page has much more information about the internal workings of ka9q-radio and other examples of its use.
Configuration files used by ka9q-radio
ka9q-radio requires a number of configuration files
and with these, one may define a bewildering assortement of virtual
receivers and modes. The authoritative
document on this subject is "" found in the /docs
subdirectory of the .git, located at:
There are several different types of configuration files that are needed:
- Configuration file for the radio hardware.
The files include "airspyd.conf", "sdrplayd.conf" and
"rx888d.conf" as just three examples. In these files one might
define the sample rate, serial number (if multiple receivers are used),
gain and attenuation settings, antenna selection, and in some cases the
center frequency to which the receiver hardware is tuned.
- Configuration file for "radiod". Radiod is the main program that takes the raw output from the radio hardware and converts this to the individual, demodulated streams.
- modes.conf. In this file the various "modes" are defined. Here, one can define the detection method ("linear" - which includes non-FM modes like USB, LSB, I/Q, AM, etc.) or "FM" (e.g. that found on 2 meters) and "WFM" (e.g. that found on the FM broadcast band), default sample rate, filtering, carrier recovery (as in Synchronous AM) to name but a few.
There is a lot of overlap between these as the same types of
parameters can appear in several places - particularly when a default
configuration is defined (e.g. sample rate, mode) but you wish to override this (say, in a receiver configuration) to use something different.
IMPORTANT - Back up your .conf files!
As of the time of this writing (June, 2023) the default configuration files WILL BE OVERWRITTEN every time you do an update/make of ka9q-radio. Both the files in the home "~/ka9q-radio" and "/etc/radio" directories can be overwritten.
What this means is that if you modify the original configuration files (e.g "/etc/radio/rx888d.conf", "/etc/radio/radiod@hf.conf" - and those in the "ka9q-radio directory) you will LOSE those modifications when you do an update.
When you make changes to ANY configuration file, be sure to save a copy elsewhere, and be prepared to restore it after you do updates.
It is on the list of future updates to change this behavior.
Sections of .conf files
The .conf files are broken into various sections where different
sets of parameters may be defined. For example, in those used by
"radiod", the first section is the "[global]" section where one may
specify a default mode and output sample rate - but also parameters
related to the handling of the FFT algorithm being used to process the
raw data from the receiver hardware.
In many .conf files, the next sections are used to define aspects
related to that file. For example, in the "radiod" .conf files,
sections are defined in order to place groups of frequencies in similar
categories: For example, if you wanted to monitor WWV
propagation, you might create a "[WWV]" section where you place all of
the virtual receivers that demodulated WWV frequencies, another section
where you have defined virtual receivers for the WSPR frequencies, etc.
In the "modes.conf" file, you might use these individual sections
where you define various modes (e.g. [usb], [am], etc.)
Example of a radio hardware .conf file
Note: The working versions of these files are located in the /etc/radio
directory. They will exist in the "ka9q-radio" directory as well,
but if you make changes to those files, nothing will happen - ONLY the changes that you make to the files in /etc/radio will have an effect!
To check: It appears that the files in /etc/radio may get overwritten when updated from github and/or when one invokes the Makefile.
Let us consider the file "rx888d.conf":
# ka9q customized
description = "G5RV RX888"
firmware = SDDC_FX3.img
samprate = 64800000 ; 2^8 * 3^4 * 5^5
# needs fftw3 wisdom and/or fft-threads >= 4 and some buffer tuning
# seems to lose data in the network path
# forward FFT for 129,600,000 Hz, 20ms and overlap = 5 is 3240000
#samprate = 129600000 ; 2^9 * 3^4 * 5^5
iface = eth0
; force
primary interface, avoid wifi
status = rx888-status.local
data = rx888-pcm.local
ssrc = 10
;gain = 1.5 ; dB
gain = 10 ;dB - near floor of NF curve, still not too high for my G5RV
gainmode = high ; higher gain range
Note: For the radio
hardware configuration file, a number of the parameters are specific to
the receive hardware being used and their availability and usefulness
will vary depending on that hardware. For example, the rx888d
does not have a tuned frequency like other hardware (e.g. airsply, RTL-SDR dongle, SDRPlay) as it - when used on HF - can simply "inhale" the entire spectrum, making "tuning" irrelevant.
In the above we see the heading of the section [g5rv]: This name
is arbitrary and in this case, it refers to a hypothetical antenna and
the configuration one might use with that antenna. If you want to
experiment with different hardware configurations, you can add
additional sections below this.
In this case, this configuration file is invoked as:
./rx888d g5rv
or, as a services, as:
systemctl start
About the fields:
- description - It's recommended that you include a description of the purpose of this definition. Question: Is this field used anywhere else?
- firmware
- This is specific to the "rx888" receiver and it tells the driver
which version of firmware to load - other receive hardware may not need
- samprate - This is
the acquisition sample rate of the receiver hardware - and this is
likely going to be many time greater than the sample rate of any single
virtual receiver instance. In the case of the RX888 - which can
receiver the entire HF (+6 meter) spectrum all at once, we have a rather high sample rate - in this case, 64.8 Msps
- Note: There
may be certain mathematical/algorithmic restrictions on the precise
sample rates with respect to the desired output sample rates, overlap
size and block time (used in the "radiod" configuration) - I need to look into those to see what - if any - these might be to determine possible impact on performance.
- For other receiver hardware (e.g. AirSpy, RTL-SDR, SDRPlay, HackRF) this sample rate is typically in the megasamples-per-second region to allow an entire band to be "inhaled" and tuned by radiod.
- In some cases one must select a "bandwidth" setting for the hardware that is appropriate to the sample rate chosen.
- In the case of the SDRPLay receivers, one may select
200, 300, 600, 1536, 5000, 6000, 7000 and 8000 kHz filters and one
would typically choose a sample rate a bit higher than one of these
- If, while using the SDRPlay, you chose a sample rate
of, say, 3200 kHz, you would not want to use the 1536 kHz filter
as that would filter out about half the signals, effectively wasting
processor power. If you chose a 5000 kHz filter, instead - which
is wider than 3200 kHz - you would experience "aliasing" (false signals) from beyond the edges of the passband. If you needed to cover 3200 kHz of passband, you would be better off selecting the 5000 kHz filter and a suitable sample rate (perhaps 5300 kHz) and accept the higher sample rate and CPU utilization.
- The R820T "tuner" portion of the RTL-SDR has built-in
filtering and thus bandwidth selections that should be chosen
appropriately with respect to sample rate.
- When in "direct" mode the R820T tuner is not used and there are no options for bandwidth selection.
- iface - As noted in the documentation, ka9q-radio communicates between the various pieces (e.g. radio hardware to radiod demodulators, the outputs of the demodulators, etc.) using multicast, and this specifies the interface for that data.
- Note that in many cases that a local loopback is used
rather than an actual Ethernet interface: In the case here - with
a sample rate of 64.8 Msps - this is too fast even for a Gig-E port, so
we aren't going to traverse our LAN with such data rates.
- In the
case of another types of radio hardware - such as an AirSpy, RTL-SDR or
SDRPlay, our rate will be much lower and we could convey our raw data across a LAN to one or more receivers runing "radiod" if we wished to do so.
- status - This defines the multicast host name of the status and control stream for this receiver.
- data - This defines the multicast host name of the raw receive data for this stream.
- ssrc - As noted above, ka9q-radio uses Multicast to convey data - and in a given multicast stream one can have several different streams. The "ssrc" - (variously called "Synchronization Source" or "Stream Source Identifier")
is used to identify a "sub" stream within a multicast stream. In
this case we are tagging our raw receive data with an ssrc of "10", but
it could be any 32 bit integer. We'll see many more of these SSRCs later!
- gain - This is a
hardware-specific parameter for the receiver we are using. In
this case - for the RX888 - we are specifying a gain of 10 dB for the
- When setting the gain, there is a delicate balance between having too little signal (weak signals being lost in the receiver noise) and having too much signal (overload!). While setting this parameter properly depends greatly on your receiver antenna system, ka9q-radio contains tools (e.g. the "control" program) that may be used to observe levels and make corrections as needed.
- gainmode - This
is a hardware-specific parameter for the receiver that we
are using. In the case of the RX888 not only can one adjust
the gain (attenuator, actually)
with the "gain" parameter, above, but one can specify if the gain mode
is "high" or "low" - like a preamplifier. To a degree, "gain" and
"gainmode" are a bit redundant here, but since the hardware supports
both, so does the driver.
- For the RX888 Mk2 an additional gain control (attenuator, actually) was added - but the "high/low" gain setting of the original RX888 was retained, hence both parameters.
More than one configuration
It is possible to have more than one configuration within this .conf
file. For example, if you were experimenting with different gain
values, antennas, or sample rates, you could define such. For
example, if you wanted to have a section called "[dipole]", you would
simply repeat the configuration under the [g5rv] section and make the
desired changes, and when you invoked it you would simply substitute
"g5rv" for "dipole" as follows:
./rx888d dipole
or, as a services, as:
systemctl start
Example of a "radiod" configuration file
While the "hardware" configuration file is specific to the SDR hardware
in question, the "radiod" configuration is not. This provides a
layer of abstraction in that as long as your raw data from the receiver
contains the frequency-related signal data that we want, the configuration and operation of "radiod"
is more or less agnostic to your receiver hardware. In other
words, if you were to have configured a set of receiver configurations
with an Airspy, RTL-SDR or SDRPlay receiver, you can likely replace it
with an RX888 and make few - if any - changes.
As an example, let is consider the file "radiod@hf.conf" a piece at a time.
ALL radiod configuration files MUST start with a "global" section - and consider this example:
overlap = 5
blocktime = 20
input = rx888-status.local
samprate = 12000
mode = usb
status = hf.local
fft-threads = 4
This is the only section of a radiod configuration file that may
be specific to the receiver hardware in that one might use different
"overlap" or "blocktime" values with much lower sample rates.
Taking each line:
- [global] - This is the required first section that tells radiod how to get the raw data from the receiver hardware.
- overlap - This parameter may be used only in the [global] section. ka9q-radio uses a large FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in the process of getting data from the receive hardware.
- Simply put, this FFT creates a mathematical equivalent of the
entire receiver's spectrum in memory from which the radiod program can
pluck out portions of it representing individual receivers' passbands.
- Part of this process requires that some of the "new" data
includes a portion of the "old" data and the value of "5" here means
that 1/5th (or 20%) of this data is "old" data.
- A value of 5 represents a reasonable balance between CPU
utilization and filter "sharpness". For example, an overlap
of "2" would mean that 50% of our data is "old" - meaning that we must
processes more than twice as much data and we could get sharper filters.
- For a fast computer - and particularly with receive hardware like an RTL-SDR or similar with lower sample rates (and less data)
we might as well use a value like 2, but for the RX888 where we are
handling massive amounts of data, a value of 5 may be more appropriate.
- Only certain values work for "overlap", so stick with 2 or 5 unless you feel adventurous.
- blocktime
- This parameter may be used only in the [global] section. The value of "20" represents 20 milliseconds - or one block every
50th of a second. In our example using an RX888 running at 64.8
Msps, each "block" would be 1/50th of the number - or 1296000 samples.
The size of the FFT block is a bit larger than this since it
would include the "overlap" from the previous FFT cycle.
- Larger values of "blocktime" offer sharper filtering and
allow more tolerance to the vaguaries of CPU scheduling - but will add
a bit to the latency of processing - and increase CPU utilization as
the CPU time "cost" increases with the square root of the FFT block
- input - This parameter may be used only in the [global] section. This is the
multicast hostname of the stream containing the status/control data
from our receive hardware: You'll notice in the example above
that in the "status" definition in the rx888 configuration file above.
- fft-threads - This parameter may be used only in the [global] section. This
is the number of CPU threads spawned by the FFT processes. In
this example, if you have a CPU with at least 4 cores, this will spread
the FFT processing among 4 cores rather than the default of having 1
core do it all.
- The total
of CPU power when splitting the task among multiple cores is slightly
higher than having just 1 core do the job as a degree of overall
efficiency is lost by doing so, but if a single core of a processor,
itself, is not
fast enough, this can help spread the load.
- Splitting the FFT task among several cores can also reduce latency somewhat since the job gets done more quickly.
- Be careful with this setting, making sure that its setting makes sense on the hardware that you are using!
- status - This parameter may be used only in the [global] section. This
specifies the name of the status/control multicast stream that may be
used to monitor, tune, adjust, create or destroy additional receivers.
The next several parameters are optional in the "global" section.
- samprate - When placed in the [global] section, this sets the default
sample rate for the sections that follow it: This default can be
overridden in the sections defining the receivers, below.
- mode - When placed in the [global] section, this sets the default mode for the sections that follow it: This default can be overridden in the sections defining the receivers, below.
- mode-file - If you do not wish to use the "modes.conf" file (typically "~/ka9q-radio/modes.conf") you can specify a different one here.
- wisdom-file - The Fast Fourier Transform algorithm used in ka9q-radio
uses a "wisdom" file which contains some pre-calculated data allowing
greater efficiency and improving performance - and this optimization
can vary depending on the hardware and FFT settings. By default
this file live in "/var/lib/ka9q-radio/wisdom", but this parameter may be included to use a different wisdom file.
There are a few other parameters discussed in the "docs/" file that are either rarely used or not (yet) fully supported.
After the "[global]" section
One of the most powerful aspects of the way ka9q-radio
works is that after the initial "work" on the FFT is done, extracting
signal from the resulting data is almost "free"- in terms of CPU
power by comparison.
What this means is that in our example of
a 64.8 Msps sample rate, we have already ingested and partially
processed every signal across the VLF, LF, MF and HF spectrum, and that it takes relatively little extra processing power to
demodulate it in some way. In other words, a modest
Intel i5 or i7 processor, with an RX888 you can receive and demodulate hundreds of individual frequencies simultaneously.
As noted elsewere on these pages, the resulting received data is
conveyed using Multicast: The more traditional way of having a
separate audio channel (how would you use and define hundreds audio streams in ALSA/Pulsaudio/Pipewire?) simply
doesn't apply here - and using Multicast
means that the "one to many" model may be easily implemented.
Since multicast is UDP and connectionless, they can simply be
"listened to" on the LAN by any number of clients without incurring any
additional load whatsoever on the server.
For example, if we were do demodulate, individually, every WSPR, FT-8,
FT-4, SSTV, WWV and CHU frequency simultaneously and also have a 96 kHz
chunk of the CW band for each of the HF bands for, say, a CW skimmer, all of that "audio" data
would be available to any and all
computers on the same LAN as the computer hosting the receiver hardware
- and since Multicast is a "broadcast", more than one computer on the
LAN could use that same data. (Note
that Multicast data cannot be easily conveyed across the Internet or wireless connections and
some types of LANs bounded by routers/switches - but that's a topic for
the network admins!)
In the sections of the radiod .conf file after the [global] section we can define virtual receivers individually - or as groups of receivers of similar content. Consider the following example from the same "radiod@hf.conf" file:
data = wwv-pcm.local
mode = am
freq = "2500k 5000k 10000k 15000k 20000k 25000k"
Here we have defined six
virtual receivers tuned to the WWV/H frequencies of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20
and 25 MHz and overriding the earlier default of "usb" in the [global]
section, specifying the use of AM for this group of receivers. All six of these receivers are conveyed on a single multicast stream called "wwv-pcm.local" as defined by the data parameter
- so how does one specify how to extract each one? Mentioned in
the "rx888d.conf" file is the "ssrc" and here we use that parameter to
specify the sub-stream carrying the individual frequency.
By default, ka9q-radio will
assign the ssrc as the digits within the frequency parameter. For
example, if we want to listen to the 10 MHz WWV audio, we would remove
the "k" from the frequency and use an ssrc of 10000 to extract it from
the multicast stream called "wwv-pcm.local": See the example for the "pcmcat" and "pcmrecord" commands in "KA9Q-Radio Command Overview" file for the use of the multicast name and ssrc.
In above example we also see that we have selected mode "am",
overriding the default in the [global] section. If you wish to
have a new "mode", this may be defined in "modes.conf" - see below.
More on the "freq" parameter and how it defines the related ssrc
In the example above we have defined the frequency in kHz, with
2.5 MHz being 2500 kHz, or "2500k". It is also permissible to
define it in Hz, as in "2500000" or as MHz, as in "2m5". Also
mentioned was the fact that the ssrc - which is needed to identify the
sub-stream with a particular receiver - uses the string of characters -
letters removed - to construct the ssrc - so one must be careful as the
following examples illustrate, each correctly defining a 2.5 MHz
receive frequency - but in diffrent ways:
- 2500k - This represents 2500 kHz and an ssrc of "2500"
- 2500k000 - This represents 2500 kHz, but specifying it to the Hz as in "2500.000 kHz" - but the ssrc here is "2500000"
- 2m5 - This represents 2500 kHz as "2.5 MHz" and the ssrc is "25"
- 2m500000 - This represents 2500 khz as 2.500000 MHz" and the ssrc is "2500000" - which is the same as the SSRC from "2500k000".
What the above tells you is that
you must be careful and consistent in the way you define frequencies so
that your SSRC can be easily divined from them.
Practically speaking, you would represent the frequencies in each
group in the same way so you would never be likely to have name
conflict: You also would not specify two identical instances of the same receive frequency, anyway, since as a multicast stream, multiple users/computers could intercept it! Finally, if you did
need to specify another instance of WWV in another receiver groups -
say, one to "hear" the audio and another to monitor signal strength -
the ssrc would not overlap, anyway, as that "other" group would have a
different multicast address!
- You can re-use the same ssrc as long as it's done in a different
section and thus on a different multicast stream. For example, in
the above WWV section example, we know that on the data stream
"wwv-pcm.local" and an ssrc of 5000, we will get the 5 MHz WWV signal.
If we had a different section - say called "TIMESIGS" that
also contained a definition of a 5 MHz WWV receiver also using "5000k"
as the frequency and our data stream was called "timesigs-pcm.local",
we could re-use the ssrc of "5000" since it would be in a different multicast stream altogether.
- It is possible to define hundreds
of frequencies to be received simultaneously. In some cases, you
would simply put these in different sections: One such section is
the "WWV" portion - and if you wanted, say, frequencies for W1AW or the
time station CHU, these groups of frequencies could go in individual
sections with those names. Note, however, that each section
so-defined will have its own multicast stream and set of ssrc values.
In some cases you might want a large number of frequencies in a single
section - an example being wanting to create a section called "2MRPT"
where you might specify the frequency of every 2 meter repeater output
on the band and have all of the outputs of these virtual receivers conveyed by a single multicast stream. While it might be possible to enter all of these on a single "freq" line, the parser (in "libiniparser" library) actually does have a limit on the length of the line. (Question: What is this limit?)
To spread out a long list of frequencies onto multiple lines - which
can also make it easier to manage and read - but having multiple lines
using the "freq" heading is not permitted.
A work-around exists: There are ten "aliases" of the "freq"
field and these are "freq0" through "freq9", allowing your long list of
frequencies to be placed on multiple lines as if there was a single
line. Note: You can actually have 11 "freq" lines as you can use "freq", then "freq0", "freq1" and so-on.
The "default" or "prototype" receiver:
At the very end of the "radiod@hf.conf" file we note the following definition:
data = hf-pcm.local
freq = 0
When "freq" is zero, we have a special case: This creates a
"protype" receiver that can be summoned into existance when, via the
"control" program, we specifiy an previously-unused ssrc. Using
the "control" program (see "KA9Q-Radio Command Overview") we can configure this receiver to any frequency, mode or bandwidth covered by the SDR hardware.
Optional parameters
The above shows a minimal example of what can be defined, but
there are other parameters that may be included to define a receiver
- disable - If you
have a section defined in your "radiod.conf" file that contains one or
more receivers that you wish to disable - but don't want to delete,
simply include the line "disable = yes" in the definition.
- ssrc - Above, we
went on at some length about how the ssrc is constructed from the
frequency, but if you wanted to specify an ssrc explicitly, you could
do that here.
- Question: Does this apply only to the "[default]" group, or a group with a single
receiver - how might one apply it to multiple receivers. While
this is shown in the "rx888d.conf" file above, does it even apply
The "modes.conf" file
Mentioned previously, one can arbitrarily define "modes" in ka9q-radio. In this context, a mode can be any combination of:
- Sample Rate.
Certain modes - like those used for FM - require a higher sample
rate to convey the signal. Similarly, a higher bandwidth might be
desirable for certain digital modes, or to send a portion (e.g. 7050 kHz,+/- 40 kHz) of an HF band to a CW skimmer or similar.
- Bandpass Filtering.
For USB, one would have a bandwidth from 200 to 2700 Hz, but for
LSB this would be -200 to -2700 Hz, the negative frequency indicating
that the passband was below
the center of the receive passband. Similarly, different
bandwidths are needed for FM modes - and for a hypothetical "mode" that
is used to send a portion of an amateur band to a CW skimmer - and yet
a different one that might be used for WSPR reception.
- Demodulation method. In ka9q-radio two types of demodulation are broadly defined: "Linear" and "FM".
- Linear modes are those that require/use an amplitude component to convey intelligence - and examples of this are SSB -
which consists generally of an amplitude envelope and frequency
components, AM, which is less about frequency and mostly about
amplitude, and other related modes. A special case of this is
also "I/Q" mode where one conveys spectral information using two audio
channels (in quadrature) from which frequency information may also be derived. Digital modes - even those that have no amplitude information (e.g. WSPR, FT-8)
are also conveyed linearly since the combination of a multitude of
signals within an SSB passband require that all of this information
being represented by a myriad of different carriers must be done with
- FM modes do not
convey their information by changing amplitude and intelligence is
conveyed solely by variation of frequency/phase. This applies to
the "FM" (really PM) that amateurs use on the VHF and UHF bands and to FM broadcast. What is common to FM is that there is going to be only one signal within the passband of the receiver and, by its nature, the linear (amplitude) component is removed during its demodulation.
- Different AGC configurations. In most cases where "linear" demodulation is used, an AGC (Automatic Gain Control) is employed to automatically adjust the received signal power - which will consists of the desired signal and
other signals/noise within the passband - at a constant level.
This is the mechanism that allows SSB or AM signals of widely
disparate signal strengths to have the same apparent "loudness".
- In some cases - such as the analysis of propagation - you might NOT
want to employ AGC. If the AGC is not used, the resulting signal
level will be directly proportional to its strength impinging on the
antenna, and if the system is calibrated appropriately - or if there is
an available reference signal level provided locally on the antenna
system - it is possible to measure the absolute signal power.
- Note: The
AGC that we are discussing here is that applied to the individual
demodulators being produced by "radiod". Another "layer" of AGC
can be present on receive hardware (e.g. the AirSpy, RTL-SDR when operated above 30 MHz or with an upconverter, with an SDRPlay receiver) that is used to prevent front-end overload - and if meaningful absolute
signal level readings are required, you would have to either disable
this AGC or take its effects into account when doing the signal power
There are, no doubt, other cases where one might wish to define a
"mode" for a specific application - the limit being mostly that of your
The "modes.conf" file contains a number of pre-defined modes, and we'll discuss of of these below.
Important note about squelch operation in FM and PM modes:
In the "FM" and PM modes, the squelch is always
enabled and as of the time of this writing, it cannot be completely
disabled. What this means is that if you define an FM receiver and NO signal is present, "radiod" will not output any audio data.
In other words, unless
a virtual FM or PM receiver detects a signal that opens the squelch, no
multicast audio will be generated for that receiver and you will
see/hear nothing at all from it!
PM (Phase Modulation)
As mentioned above, on amateur radio the mode that we call "FM" is really "PM" (Phase Modulation).
In short, PM may be generated on an FM transmitter by boosting
the audio at a rate of 6 dB/octave - which is to say that a given
amplitude of tone at 1 kHz which causes +/- 2 kHz of deviation will,
with a 2 kHz tone at that same amplitude will cause +/- 4 kHz of
deviation. Doing this "boosting of highs" cleverly reduces one of
the unfortunate aspects of "true" FM: When a signal gets weaker,
it's is the high audio frequencies that get noisy first. By making the
high frequency component of the audio "louder" during transmit means
that as the signal gets weaker and the noise starts to encroach, those
high frequencies - being "pre-boosted" - will survive above the noise
level better with weaker signals.
On the receive end, the highs are "un-boosted" by precisely the same
amount as they were boosted on transmit. By doign this we not
only restore the frequency response to its original level ("PM" audio on a "true" FM receiver sounds very tinny and shrill)
but as the signal gets weaker and the noise appears in the high
frequency audio, this, too, is reduced - improving the apparent
signal-noise of the signal.
Within the modes.conf file we see the following entry for PM - which, again, is the mode that we use on VHF and UHF:
demod = fm
samprate = 24000
low = -8000
high = +8000
squelchtail = 0
threshold-extend = yes ; PM assumes voice mode, so enable this
Note: De-emphasis is enabled by default in ka9q-radio - see the comments about this in the [fm] section, below
Breaking this down:
- [pm] - Here we define the name of our mode, used in our "radiod.conf" file.
- demod - We are using an "FM" demodulator rather than a "linear" one.
- samprate - On VHF and UHF, a receive channel using "FM" (+/- 5 kHz)
is typically 14-16 kHz wide - and to convey a signal of that bandwidth
using I/Q requires a sample rate that could do this. Here, a 24
kHz sample rate means that we could accommodate a signal that around 20
kHz wide if we had to.
- low and high
- This specifies the lower and upper edge of the filter for this
receiver, respectively. In this case we are specifying +/- 8000
Hz, so our total detection bandwidth is 16 kHz - which is about right
for a 5 kHz deviation "FM" signals.
- squelchtail - A
squelch is used to prevent the "blasting of noise" when a signal is not
present. Since we are in the digital domain, we can specify a
squelch tail of almost whatever we like. In this case, the
parameter is in units of "blocktime" as defined in the [global] section
of our "radiod.conf" file - which, in the example above, is 20
milliseconds. In the example above, we can set this to "0" which
means that there is no squelch tail when a signal drops off.
- threshold-extend - When receiving a weak signal, noise results due to growing uncertainty as to the instantaneous frequency of the FM carrier.
- It is possible, however, to rule out some "impossible" (or at least unlikely) mathematical instances where the noise causes what is clearly a "bogus" result - and throw those out.
- In this example, the value of "yes" means that we enable this feature which may subjectively improve the apparent quality of weak signals.
See the "comment" section at the bottom of the "NFM" section, below for a note about the setting for de-emphasis in "PM" mode.
Now let us look at the "Narrow FM" entry in the modes.conf file:
demod = fm
samprate = 24000
low = -6250
high = +6250
deemph-tc = 0
deemph-gain = 0
threshold-extend = no ; don't interfere with packet, digital, etc
Let's take a look at the differences between [pm] and [nfm]:
- [nfm] - Here we define the name of our mode, used in our "radiod.conf" file.
- The "demod" and "samprate" are the same as we are dealing with generally similar signals in terms of modulation and bandwidth.
- low and high
- In this case, we are demodulated "narrow fm" which has a deviation of
+/- 2.5 kHz - half of that in our example above - but don't believe for
a second that it takes half the bandwidth! Following "Carson's
Rule" (Wikipedia article here) we can estimate the required bandwidth which is set here to be +/- 6250 Hz, or a total of 12.5 kHz.
- deemph-tc - Normally set to a decimal value in microseconds, this is more appropriate for "WFM" (Wide FM)
as used in broadcasting, at it sets the transition frequency below
which the signal amplitude is "flat" and that above which it is
pre-emphasized by 6dB/octave. Since we are demodulating "true"
FM, we would disable this entirely by setting it to zero.
- deemph-gain - When
you de-emphasize a signal, you reduce the gain of the signals overall -
particularly those at the high end and this value - in dB - can boost
it to make it objectively louder to compensate. In this case -
particularly since we have disabled de-emphasis (above) we set it to zero.
- threshold-extend - Because it can distort the audio a bit, we are disabling this feature when we want to receive data - more on this below.
You might ask "If we don't use 'true' FM on amateur radio, why
have this?". This would be true for analog voice, but you would
use "true" FM for many digital voice modes like D-Star, C4FM (Yaesu Fusion) and FSK (e.g. that used for 9600 baud packet) and similar which do NOT
use pre-emphasis. Because of the possiblity that the
"threshold-extend" can slightly mess up the signal - something that we
wouldn't notice when listening to voice - we turn it off to keep it as
pristine as conditions allow.
You might wonder why in "true FM" mode we explicitly disable the
de-emphasis while in "PM" mode we don't specify anything at all?
As it turns out, in the ka9q-radio code there are default value set for "deemph-tc" and "deemph-gain" which are 530.5 microseconds (which translates to 300 Hz) and 12 dB, respectively.
What this means is that in the [pm] definition, above, our de-emphasis
begins at about 300 Hz, rolling off at 6 dB/octave above that frequency
- and the "deemph-gain" is 12 dB to boost the audio to make it "sound"
like the right loudness as the rolling-off by the de-emphasis
necessarily reduces the amplitude of the upper audio frequencies.
Since most amateur transmitters filter out voice below 300 Hz,
anyway, we won't really miss it - particularly because control tones
like subaudible and DCS signals reside in the frequencies below 300 Hz
and are typically filtered out on receive by modern radios.
It may seem to be a bit confusing to have the default for "fm" actually
being appropriate for "pm" - and it confused me initially, but it makes
sense since "pm" would be more-commonly used for VHF/UHF amateur
communications than "true FM".
Now let's look at a USB mode definition:
demod = linear
samprate = 12000
low = +50
high = +3000
- [usb] - Here we define the name of our mode, used in our "radiod.conf" file.
- demod - Since it isn't an FM or related mode, it will be linear.
- samprate - Here we use 12 ksps which is more than enough to handle our "high" filter of 3 kHz, below.
- low and high.
Here we specify a "low" end value of "+50 Hz" and a high value of
"+3000 Hz" - both of these being the lower and upper edges of the
band-pass filter above the center frequency - hence "upper" sideband.
- If we wanted LSB (lower-sideband instead)
we might specify a "low" value of -3000 Hz and a "high" value of "-50"
Hz - these defining the lower and upper edges of the filter below the center frequency.
Additional parameters in "modes.conf":
In addition to the above, there are quite a few parameters that
can be used to configure a "mode". For examples of the use of
some of these, please take a look at the "modes.conf" file. In
the section below, you will see some of the parameters that have
already been discussed, offered here for completeness.
- samprate - This
defines the default sample rate for the mode, but be sure that the
sample rate is adequate for the type of signal that you are receiving!
This can be overridden in the "radiod.conf" file if needed.
- demod - Above we demonstrated "fm" and "linear", but there is also the special case for "wfm" ("wide FM") which is used for FM broadcasting.
- WFM contains a multiplex decoder (for stereo) and is always set to 48 kHz sample rate.
- channels - This is
always "1" for "FM" modes and 2 for "WFM" modes. It can also be
set for "2" for modes like I/Q which required two channels for the
quadrature data.
- You can also specify "stereo" instead of "channels = 2" or "mono" instead of "channels = 1".
- If the envelope detector is enabled (discussed below) the linear output appears on the left channel and the envelope detection appears on the right channel.
- squelch-open and squelch-close - The defaults for this are 8 and 7 dB SNR (Signal-Noise ratio),
respectively - and since the "open" threshold is higher than the
"close" threshold, this provides some hysteresis to reduce "flapping"
that would otherwise occur with a weak signal.
- For FM, the SNR is estimated from the mean and variance of the signal amplitude (which for FM is, by definition, constant) meaning that a variation is due to noise.
- As of the time of writing, there is no way to completely
disable the FM squelch - even if "squelch-open" and/or "squelch-close"
are set to values like "-1" or even "-1000".
- For AM, a PLL is used to detect the presence of a carrier - and this PLL is used even for envelope-detected AM (as opposed to synchronous AM).
- To disable the squelch entirely in AM, set the "squelch-open" threshold to something like "-1000" (e.g. -1000 dB).
- squelchtail - This value is defined in terms of the number of "blocks" (defined in the [global] section of the "radiod.conf" file). A typial value of this is 20 milliseconds. Setting a value of zero means that the squelch is closed (e.g. audio is muted)
with minimum possible delay after the signal has been determined to
have disappeared, according to the "squelch-close" setting, above.
- low - This sets the lower edge of the predetection
filter passband. This frequency is with respect to the center
frequency of the receiver as the "usb" example, above demonstrates. The "note" portion of in the explanation of the "high" parameter, below, applies here, too.
- high - This sets the upper edge of the predetection filter passband - the compliment of "low", above.
- Note: The
"predetection" bandwidth does not necessarily have anything to do with
the post-detection audio passband response. The most obvious
example of this is for FM detection: An amateur FM signal with,
say, +/- 5 kHz deviation must have a receive bandwidth of about 16 kHz (see the "pm" example above)
to receive it with acceptable distortion - and this is true even if the
audio on that FM signal extends only 3 kHz or so. This is because
the act of frequency/phase modulating a signal creates a large number
of sidebands that extend far above and below the center frequency and
we need a wide enough bandwidth to receive enough of them to recreate
the original signal with adequate fidelity.
- In the case of AM, the total bandwidth is important since all
signals that fall into it are demodulated: If all signal within
the passband are related to the original AM signal, they will
contributed to its fidelity - but if they are unrelated (e.g. noise, other signals) they can degrade it. Since true AM is double-sideband, we could receive just one "half" of the signal (taking care to preserve the carrier - which we need for AM!) and filtering out the (redundant) half of the signal where interference might be.
- In the case of SSB, since we are simply converting a
portion of the RF spectrum to audio, the "low" and "high" directly set
the frequencies that are passed relative to the "dial" frequency (e.g. carrier).
- headroom - This is defaulted to -15 dBFS (dB below full-scale)
and is used to set the target audio level when AGC is used. In
other words, when the AGC is active, it will always attempt to keep the
audio at this level, no matter how strong/weak it is.
- shift - This
defaults to 0 Hz and is applicable only to "linear" demodulation.
Typically used for the definition of a CW mode (see "modes.conf" for an example) this shifts the signals above (positive number) or below (negative number) the center frequency.
- This shift is applied after downconversion, baseband filtering, and PLL tracking, if enabled.
- This is not the same is offseting the "low" and "high" filters parameters.
- Note: This can be used to create a CW filter in the manner of many modern receivers as follows:
- On many modern receivers, when in CW mode, the frequency on the dial is NOT
that of the "zero" Hz frequency of the receiver as it is SSB, but
rather the dial shows the frequency of a CW signal that is placed at
the center of its filter.
- For example, if your radio uses a CW offset of 700 Hz
and you tune the CW signal to produce a 700 Hz audio tone, the dial
frequency is the actual transmitted carrier frequency of that signal.
- Note that this is NOT the same as some older receivers (e.g. Drake, Heathkit)
where they often used USB or LSB and the dial frequency showed where
the "zero beat" frequency of the signal would be, requiring the
operator to mentally offset the frequency display from the received
- recovery-rate -
This is used for the AGC and applies to linear demodulation only.
This specifies the recovery rate - in dB/second - at which the
gain is increased after a strong signal disappears and the hang-time (below) has passed since this happened. The default is 20dB/second.
- hang-time -
This is used for the AGC and applies to linear demodulation only,
specified in seconds. This is the amount of time to hold the gain
constant after the signal input has decreased. An example of this
being useful is on the reception of an SSB signal: Without a
"hang time" to keep the AGC constant for a short period after a signal
peak, the audio would "pump" badly. The default value is 1.1
seconds - which corresponds to a "slow" AGC found on most radios:
If you want a faster AGC (e.g. common for CW reception) this value would be reduced.
- threshold - This
is used for the AGC and applies to linear demodulation only, spedified
in dB. This sets the threshold at which the AGC action will occur
on noise without signal. For example, if we set "headroom" to
-15dBFS and use the default threshold value of -15 dB, the AGC will
attempt to maintain the noise level at -30dBFS.
- gain - Linear demodulator only. (Fixed values are forced in FM and WFM mode).
This sets the gain of the output of the linear demodulator before
transission on the output stream. If AGC is enabled, this sets
the value before the AGC operates which can prevent a loud burst of
noise (set too high) or taking too long to recover (set too low). The default is 50 dB.
- If AGC is disabled, this sets the gain of the demodulated signal path with respect to the input signal.
- envelope - Linear
demodulator only. This sets the AM envelope detector. If a
2-channel mode is selected, the envelope detector is sent to the right
channel, but the linear detection appears on the left channel.
The default is "off".
- pll - Linear
demodulator only. This can enable the phase-locked loop,
which will cause the receiver to try to track a carrier to keep it at
zero Hz (center) - useful for synchronous AM demodulation. Default is off ("pll = no"). Use "pll = yes" to turn on.
- square - Linear
demodulator only. This enables the PLL with a squaring operation
in the feedback path - used for synchrons detection of a DSB SC (Double-Sideband AM with suppressed carrier) signal. If this is used, it also implies the use of the PLL (above). Default is off ("no").
- pll-bw - Linear
demodulator only. This specifies the bandwidth of the PLL loop in
Hz and it implies the use of the PLL. The default is 100 Hz.
- agc - Linear demoduation only. By default, this is on - but it can be used to disable the AGC entirely ("agc = 0").
- As discussed above, disabling the AGC is useful if you are trying to make measurements of absolute signal/noise power.
- Use the "gain" parameter to "manually" set the signal gain in the demodulator different from the default of 50 dB.
- deemph-tc - Not used for linear modes. This sets the de-emphasis (in microseconds) for FM demodulation.
- Because of the defaults, below, "FM" always has
de-emphasis enabled for PM reception even through "true" FM does not
have de-empahsis.
- For "FM" mode (e.g. amateur) the default is 530.5 uSec (300 Hz)
- For WFM mode this is 75 uSec - the value used in North America and
South Korea: Most other parts of the world use 50 uSec.
- deemph-gain - Not used for linear modes. This sets the gain after de-empahsis and is chosen to achieve the appropriate "apparent loudness" as compared with the de-emphasis disabled.
- This is more important for "FM" mode as the 300 Hz "knee" frequency for de-emphasis (specified in "deemph-tc")
is below the frequency of speech as passed by a typical amateur
transmitter, making it sound "quiet". The default for this in
"FM" mode is 12 dB.
- In WFM mode, the default value is 0 dB as the "knee" for the de-emphasis is above the majority of the speech/music energy.
The "id.txt" file
Note: Unlike other configuration files, this resides in the same directory from which "radiod" is called.
This file contains a list of frequencies or more precisely, a list
of SSRC values with an accompanying description in the format on each
line, comment lines begun with a hash (#):
# <your comment here>
<ssrc> <description>
As in:
#2 meter repeater output frequencies
146620 W7SP Farnsworth Peak (SLC)
146700 KC7IIB Ensign Peak (SLC)
The format couldn't be simpler!
A word about ssrc and frequency descriptions:
As noted again and again in the documention, the "ssrc" value is
automatically derived from the frequency value by removing everything
but the digits - but its exact representation will depend on how you
defined the frequency in the relevant radiod ".conf" file.
For example, here are some sample frequency descriptions - all for the same frequency of 14.234 MHz - but with DIFFERENT ssrc values:
- 14234000 - SSRC = 1234000
- 14m234 - SSRC = 14234
- 14m2340 - SSRC = 142340
- 14234k - SSRC = 14234
- 14234k000 - SSRC = 14234000
As you can see, it is imperative that your frequency definitions are consistent.
There are some "gotcha's", however. Let's presume
that you have defined several frequencies with exact kHz boundaries -
perhaps a repeater output - but then you find out that there's a
repeater running 2.5 kHz deviation on 145.1375 MHz. Previously,
you may have defined frequencies like 146.520 MHz (the U.S. national simplex frequency) as
"146m520" which results in an SSRC of "146520". which has six digits.
The possible issue arises when you define the frequency of
145.1375 MHz as "145m1375" which has an SSRC of "1451375" which has seven digits.
The to most obvious options are:
- Define all 2 meter frequencies with 100 Hz accuracy so that all SSRC values will have seven digits
- Just keep track of what you have done knowing that your
"id.txt" list will have 2 meter SSRCs with both 6 and seven digits.
There is functionally nothing wrong with this, but you'll have to
remember that if you happen to sort by frequency, it will end up in the
wrong place!
Please note:
This document
is a work in progress and the function of many of these auxiliary
programs is not (yet)
understood by the author - particularly the descriptions that begin
with "Source code says..." or contain the words "To Do".
- Find the best way to determine multicast
addresses for PCM and status streams by monitoring. Of course, this can be known by inspection of the various .conf files.
- Do a better job of "getting in the mind" of the
creator of this code to understand the methodology.
- Wherever it says "To Do"
or "Source
code says..." provide better understanding/documentation.
- Figure out a way to control receivers entirely from the
command line: From what I can tell, the "control" program will
take interactive user input, but it cannot take command-line arguments
to create/destroy/control virtual receivers.
For more information about ka9q-radio, go here:
This page has much more information about the internal workings of ka9q-radio and other examples of its use.
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including contact info - go to the about
page (link).
- For the latest news about this system and current issues,
visit the latest news
page (link).
- For more information about this server you may contact
Clint, KA7OEI using his callsign at ka7oei dot com.
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